Oh LJ how I have neglected thee!

Jun 01, 2006 13:48

Well it's been awhile and stuff has been happening...mostly I have been busy working on my mass music video project or writing lots and lots of songs. Recently met lots of cool musicans, playing in front of a class and sang back up for a friend at a show. I also might be playing my own show soon, so here's hoping to that. What else, been going home alot for random things mostly job stuff, was partners with a playboy playmate in my geology class, attended the Reel Loud film festival and the film co-ops film received better recognition than I thought.

Check out my music at http://www.myspace.com/srmexistentialhero

Although I am in a creative mode right now I can't help but feel lonely and I feel like I'm so absorbed in my work that I might be distancing myself from everyone. Bleh, summer is coming and I can't wait to work and hang out and see everyone and drive up and down the CA coast.

Here is a song I wrote

"Pre-Summertime Blues"

Usually this time
It's bright days in the sun
But not for me
I don't have any fun
I think that maybe I
Have that weather thing
Where you get depressed in winter
But mine works oppositely
It's the impending doom of choice
Overwhelming summer plans
Causes my distance
From all of my good friends
I need to find a way
To fix my life in may
To get rid of june gloom
And sing a happy tune


My friend Rebecca, she has a wonderful voice and has perfectly wonderful melodies, innocent and cute, but not childish
Have only talked to him on the phone, but this guy is pretty cool and his music is even cooler. Fun, but interesting
Interesting name, interesting music, socially conscious (like me) and has a piercing range
Listen to "Never Get To Know" one of the best songs ever written, raw and powerful.
Cute music, but really good, hes got an interesting voice and has some nice romantical ideas to sing about
Played with these folks, damn good to swing and sing along too, very enregetic live, and awesome male-female singing
She's got a voice! and her playing is very complicated but satisfying
Has a voice like Tristan Prettyman, but lyrics are weirder, but no less potent.
The best children's sogns ever, seriously this guy has knack, and he's AZN!! lol

I've been lsitening to the Beatles all day! I'm seeking some inspiration for songwriting and melody and harmony specifically.

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