
Sep 17, 2011 00:43

Fics go here! List under the cut. Remember, this is for posting ficlets only; no new requests.

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peppervl September 17 2011, 14:24:10 UTC
J2, snow and hot chocolate.


longsufferingly December 8 2011, 05:02:23 UTC
"You're going to catch your death of cold," says Jensen. He's dressed like he's going on a three-month expedition to the arctic.

Jared snorts. "Thanks for your concern, mom. It's just snow, it's not actually a malevolent force coming to destroy you."

Jensen wrinkles his nose. "Look, I'm just saying it's cold and wet and gross out here."

"Cold and wet, okay, but how can you say it's gross?" asks Jared. "It's gorgeous out."

It really is. The snow is still falling in these thick, perfect white flakes, and everything is covered. No one's driving, and the yard is unblemished and perfect. It's the kind of winter day Jared dreamed about getting in Texas.

"I guess," Jensen says, grudgingly.

Jared wraps his arms around his boyfriend. "How about this, if you help me build a snowman, I'll make you hot chocolate when we go outside."

Jensen's mouth twitches a little, but it's enough for Jared to know that he's won.

"Well, if there's chocolate."


peppervl December 8 2011, 06:10:26 UTC

This is fabulous. You made it sound wonderful and gave Jensen my exact feelings on snow!



myjadedhavok December 8 2011, 08:07:59 UTC
It's just snow, it's not actually a malevolent force coming to destroy you.

I beg to differ. I'm with Jensen, totally. I grew up in Texas and now I live in Iowa and its cold and there's snow and I hate it all.


elizardbits December 8 2011, 14:41:30 UTC


mistyzeo December 11 2011, 18:13:39 UTC


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