
Sep 17, 2011 00:43

Fics go here! List under the cut. Remember, this is for posting ficlets only; no new requests.

Fics! )

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radiophile September 17 2011, 05:54:21 UTC
J2 AU: Jared and Jensen meet in a bank... that ends up getting robbed.



longsufferingly December 12 2011, 18:18:07 UTC
Jared is really (honestly!) this close to getting up the nerve to talk to the very hot guy standing in next to him in line at the bank. He's come up with (and dismissed) a bunch of vaguely bank-related pick-up lines, and now he's decided that his best opening gambit is, "Hi, I'm Jared," and then asking the guy where he got his sweater. It's innocuous but still kind of gay, probably, because he doesn't think most guys ask other guys where they got their very soft-looking probably cashmere sweaters ( ... )


radiophile December 12 2011, 18:35:18 UTC
"Yeah. I was about two seconds away from doing it."

"And then the robbers came in," the guy says, nodding. "Yeah, I get that a lot."

HEE ♥ This was so happy making :'D So perfect! Thank you so much ♥


I don't know if I actually want to go out with you if this is a standard part of your life. paula_lirio December 12 2011, 18:36:05 UTC
I actually laughed out loud. Best. Pick-up. Ever.


meesasometimes December 12 2011, 20:01:03 UTC
funniest ever!!


cleflink December 12 2011, 20:50:33 UTC
I absolutely adore the sense of humour in here. Best 'how we met' story ever.

This might be a sign from the universe that he shouldn't date. - *giggles* Oh, Jared. Never stop being awesome.


equally_dour December 12 2011, 21:15:21 UTC


ladyelektra December 12 2011, 21:37:01 UTC
Ha ha! One of my faves so far.


katsheswims December 12 2011, 23:19:28 UTC
Haha, this made me smile so much!


mistyzeo December 13 2011, 02:31:48 UTC
now I'll be early to watching a train wreck.

stop it, you're killing me. every time, so funny.


autumnsparkle December 13 2011, 10:21:21 UTC
omg <3


lady_ganesh December 20 2011, 03:25:21 UTC


xenachakram12 December 20 2011, 18:44:44 UTC
I lol'd soooo much.


fromcainwthlove December 31 2011, 20:18:02 UTC
how can you write like 200 words that make me so happy?!


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