Three Simple Words

May 31, 2006 00:40

From desperation to elation. Earlier today i was lost. I had made a decision- and knew this time there was no going back. No, it is not about what i do but who i want to be. I was talking to a friend yesterday and he said "don't be so hard on yourself you are still so young." And while i understand and give merit to this idea, it is not applicable in my thought process. Yes i am young but great things need to be done and i want to be an agent to be used in this change God is bringing about.

I have three more years left of college till i get my BA. But i am hungry for knowledge. I need it like the very air i breath. I have been "indoctrined" by my society for so long. It is time i let Christ begin to "indoctrine" me with His truth.

Just a few hours ago i was on the verge of tears with passion in my heart and no direction- like so many people. And now that God has began to relight this fire for His plan i am literally in tears of how awesome God is and in awe of all He is going to do.

I have decided i am going to read a book a week. Hopefully i can read more than that, i fear i won't finish half the books i want to read if i only read one a weak. I am so invigorated to read. To read words where my passion lie- beauty.

You know what? I am done with the past. The future is too bright to dwell on the past. I need to rise up and face the future, enthralled by the beauty of my Savior and His plan.
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