The BBC News article
Sony plans Walkman to rival iPod
mentions that the new player "will play songs only in the company's own format" and that it "cannot play tunes in the popular MP3 format" - this is all due to Sony trying to get people to buy music from their online music store
Sony Connect. Is it just me or is this a dumb idea? I don't know about you, but I wouldn't buy a music player that only plays a proprietary format. Who's to say what limitations they might apply on it in the future? Who's to say they'd let you listen to your own music collection on it?
Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb.
In other news, the Cassini-Huygens space probe
entered orbit around Saturn today, carrying aboard all sorts of useful instruments and assorted gadgets. What perhaps most of you won't know, is that it's also carrying
a disc containing over 600,000 signatures and messages. Including mine, and those of my family - so go Cassini-Huygens! Make us proud!
Let's see now. Oh yes, in an update to my earlier post, Mrs. Longhairedhippy and I will not be going to Canada. The decision was made based on a number of factors and utlimately we decided we didn't need quite that much upheaval in our lives at the moment.
Finally, while on the tram this lunchtime I observed a chap walking down West Street in a black hat and a blue denim jacket bearing the motto "eiπ + 1 = 0" in large white letters on the back. Whoever you are sir, I applaud your geekiness!