
Aug 01, 2006 15:32

I'm new to this community and just spent hours reading through all the memories and the last few pages of posts. Now for my story, my hair is slightly longer than shoulder length right now. I decided back about 6 months ago I wanted to go blonde (mousy brown is natural with lots of red), but anyways I bleached and dyed, then finally gave up and went to a medium alburn. Well I let me hair and scalp get healthier while waiting for money and finally about a month ago went to have my hair professionally blonded, well the stylist decided that I looked better with dark hair so she had me come back and put dark brown back in to streak it.

So now my hair has grown about 1" in outgrowth of my blonde and it still hasn't gotten back to the way it was before I tried to go blonde. I stopped using heat appliences on my hair back when I tried to go blonde, so I know I'm helping my self out that way. Now I read about washing your hair the CO way or every other day, well thats a problem for me because I have Psoriasis. I can usually wash my hair every day with out too much problem in regards to ichy scalp, but most of the time especially in this weather I have to wash my hair at least 2x day. Does anyone know of how I can healthify (yeah new words) my hair? I plan on getting married within the next 3 years to my boyfriend of 2 years, and I want traditional long locks at my wedding now I know with my length of hair having it down passed my rump is not possible. I know I will have to have extensions, to make it that long but I would like to have it be most of my own hair.

A little more back ground on my hair I am 23 have been dying since I was 16 and have permed straightened my hair about 5 times 1 of those being professional. Now I know I'm jabbering!!! But if someone can be of some help on telling me what products and where to get them. Currently I'm using Sunsilk by Helen Curtis, the one in the blue bottle for hair that poofs when it dries. It has JoJoba oil in it. But the only thing is the set makes my hair take for ever to dry, so by the time it starts drying my scalp starts itching from the Psoriasis. Well Thanks for your help in advance!!
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