HRT Question Sesh

Mar 05, 2024 09:58

Welp, just yesterday I went to a doctors appointment and was able to ask whatever questions I wanted to regarding HRT. I had a good idea of things I suppose, but it was good to have it officially known. It was definitely a very real moment, like here I am on the very real doorstep to acquiring estrogen and beginning the transition towards looking and feeling more feminine (like my true self?). It took me a little bit to settle/calm down. No matter how often you do it, sharing intimate very private details about yourself with strangers always feels unsettling. Perhaps less so than with people we know well. But I don't know, it's just tricky either way. I'm feeling a bit distracted (both boys are home sick atm). There is a lot I'd like to unpack but it's hard to really focus on what I'm feeling. Some effects from the estrogen will be permanent, some won't. The changes to skin, body hair and breasts will be the most prominent (and the breast changes are permanent), but things like voice, facial structure are static and will remain unchanged (obviously, unfortunately). But like anything else, the pill is not a change all everything will be fixed problem solver, that much has been obvious, that much has been apparent since the concept of HRT first popped into my head. The thing I liked the most about Jeremy was his openness in explaining that he is the one with the tools to help me feel and look like my true self, that he loves being able to do that but that he cannot be the one to dictate how I'd like to go about achieving that with regards to HRT. The road once on that pathway will not be an easy one, life always just feels like one work shift after another, I wonder if that will ever change. And I suppose that's where I stand right now...if or when do I take steps forward, which direction do I go?
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