without warning, she gave up the ghost inside;

Feb 19, 2011 10:09

I bring you: episode reviews!

So, based on what I’ve read, people are mad at Elena for what she did? I don’t quite understand that. Yes, she helped kill Elijah, and yes, Elijah was a badass, but come on. At least she did something. No more of this sitting around and talking about being a martyr; she finally took action. In the form of stabbing herself in the stomach, but whatever. She brought Katherine back, and Katherine was in the shower, so really you can’t complain too much. Other news: Damon and Alaric need to have rough sexual relations as soon as possible. Also, Bonnie and Jeremy, but maybe less rough.

So many wonderful little moments in this episode. My mom, who watched the first bit with me and who usually is “unimpressed” by Supernatural, was laughing at Dean’s comments (“What’s a Snooki?”, “Good question.”, “You were a bag of dicks, now you’re not. We good?”). This was just a lovely episode for reminding us that yes, they’re still brothers, and no, Sam scratching the wall isn’t going to change that. Also, the almost-crying!Dean in the beginning, and the conversation at the end after the girl died I thought were great contrasts to the funny brotherly parts, but still strengthened the Sam-n-Dean vibe that this episode had.

I am such a gigantic ship whore, but YAY, PETER AND OLIVIA! I know I’ve said that I ship Peter/Altlivia, and many other things, but hey. This ship was first, and it’s taken long enough, seriously. I was kind of dreading Olivia’s reaction to the “he still has feelings for her” thing, because I thought it would set them back even further, but I was wrong and pleasantly surprised at what happened instead. Also, Walter is adorable and Astrid is adorable, and I really liked the storyline of this episode.

other: episode reviews, tv: supernatural, tv: fringe, tv: the vampire diaries

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