I've determined that I'm the only one on LJ awake after all the shows are done in my time zone, so I decided just to wait till morning to post this. Slightly less rambly than last weeks, I present to you my reactions on:
So here’s what will happen next. Tyler and Jules can go run off and Tyler can ~find himself~ and eventually come back, and Jules can die of sadness over her dead pals/boyfriend dude, aand then Caroline won’t be able to choose between Tyler and Matt when he does come back, and Stefan and Elena will break up because they’ve been far too happy for far too long, and Stefan will get together with Caroline, and Matt and Tyler will be all alone, so they’ll hook up, and then Damon will sleep with Elena, Elijah, Katherine, and Alaric, possibly all at the same time, and Jeremy and Bonnie will be cute. Now get me a spot on the writing crew, please.
Ohhh, so intense. I absolutely loved the contrast in this episode between Sam and robo!Sam. Such awesome angst, and the killing people flashes mixed with the redemption seeking made just a wonderful sequence of events. Apparently people are having negative reactions to this episode, but I thought it was really effective in distancing the two Sams, and setting up the plot for the next (multiple, probably) episodes. Oh, and the ending! So very excited to see what happens there. Sidenote: Dean called Sam “Sammy” like three times in a row, and I practically squeed my pants. That’s all.
OH. MY. GOD. I know people are freaking out over the Peter development and saying that it’s crap and that he shouldn’t be paired with either Olivia, but my god, people. Just think of the angst this will create. I can’t even imagine. Little Alt!Polivia baby has the very strong potential to be a gigantic angst machine. That’s like porn for me, I can’t even. In other news: I ship Peter with both Olivias, as I said before, but I also just ship Alt!Livia with everyone ever. I ship her with Peter and Lincoln and Charlie. But actually I ship Charlie and Lincoln more, so.
Anyway, super excited for next week, and now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to go watch LOST with my mom, because she’s addicted even though she won’t admit it.