Much Ado About (Almost) Nothing

Aug 29, 2009 03:50

I meant to post this a while ago with some more specific information, but it kind of fell by the wayside as things have been hectic with me trying to cram in as much to be done as possible. Hell, on my days off this week, I drove 60 miles... which is the same as if I'd worked (28 mile round trip commute each day for me).

Well, to start off, Sherman got fired. I know Bill thought he was lazy and questionably trustworthy, so he'd be trying to get rid of him for a while. He essentially out and said that Sherman would be gone by Friday. So on Tuesday, I offered to buy him dinner from box lady. A sort of clandestine "last supper", if you will. My way of giving him a decent memory of working there. He turned me down, even though I offered to pay, since he happened to have brought food that day. Since I was in the mood for eating out already anyway, I went there. As always, Christine (the box lady's name) gave me free soup, and undercharged me. She is made of awesome, and makes her food out of delicious. I ordered her shrimp Egg Foo Yung, since I've never actually had it before, and I enjoy trying things on her menu I haven't had before. I was not disappointed in the slightest. It was amazing. Afterward, I wanted so badly to take a nap. I was full, happy, and lethargic. Classic symptoms of food coma.

When I came in on Friday, I discovered Matt and Bill were both there, since Bill was (unsurprisingly) going to fire Sherman, and he needed someone to cover. So, when Sherman got in, I half expected fireworks. They didn't come. He did leave his ABC shirt and back belt. I asked Bill if I could snag the shirt, since Sherman and I are approximately the same shirt size. He said to go ahead and take it, so I did. No complaints at getting an extra ABC shirt for free. The company charges us $10 each for those fucking things.

Bill had to close, since Matt opened. So Bill ordered from box lady. I opted in for a couple of eggrolls and some soup (since I wasn't terribly hungry, but I adore her eggrolls). I ran over to pick up the order, and she again didn't charge us for the soup. Bill raved about the Egg Foo Yung (which he'd ordered at my recommendation) as well.

That's the most interesting stuff that I've had go on recently. Other than that, it's been a lot of running around picking up odds and ends (like brake light bulbs, since I unexpectedly had the high-mount one go out on me). Mostly stuff for the new car. I wasn't able to get the windows tinted on my day off like I thought I was, because (get this) the one and only tint guy at the place where I was planning to take it called in sick. Oh well, I have another week to get that done.

It looks like I won't be able to salvage the rear-view mirror from the old car, nor the old rear window with the defroster and it's associated switch. I was hoping that I could, but I don't think either of those will be impossible to obtain in the near future, so I'm going to back-burner it for a bit. I am glad that I was able to retrieve the wiring harness for the radio, though. I forgot to grab that when I was scavenging parts because I mistakenly thought I'dd have to cut the wires for some reason. Turns out that it's a bitch to find one of those, not to mention finding a breakout pigtail to wire into it that's compatible with my deck. It's a fuckload easier to just pull it. So hopefully that install is going to be a fairly easy task, something I can get to within the next couple of days. The deck switching to tape mode (and going silent in the process) is driving me fucking insane.

Most recent big thing was that I finally made good on some of the things I threatened to buy for work. I told Bill that one of these days, I'd just get us a coffeemaker and I did. Due in part to Sherman's replacement, Craig, being a coffee drinker as well as Bill and myself. Also bought a decent broom, since Bill seems to like the shitty one we have, in spite of it driving me nuts. Also, a pair of gloves for us to use when cleaning (since handling bleach without them is just so much fun). Also made good on my threat/promise to buy Matt (crackhead) a pre-paid cell phone since he keeps getting his MetroPCS phone disconnected for weeks at a time. We need to call him sometimes, and he doesn't have a phone. And I managed to find a Net10 handset for a mere $7.48.

Also snagged this interesting email gadget called a Peek. Target had them on clearance for $7, so I picked one up to play with it's month of service. I've been enjoying it quite a bit so far (as may be evident from the emailed tweets that I've posted from it ). It's limited, yes... but fun to use, and at the price, I couldn't help myself, I just had to play with the thing.

Dealt with (I hope) my traffic violation the other night. Mailed a check to the county court office, along with a letter asking them to contact me if the amount was wrong, since the paperwork was so vague. I just have to sign up for one of the online traffic school courses and complete that. Hopefully it'll only take a day or two, and the whole sordid mess will finally be behind me.

Trying to get caught up on some the electronic things that have fallen by the wayside. I posted a bunch of pictures (the post prior to this one) and I have another round or two that should be coming at some point in the near future. One set is of the new car, for all of you that might be curious about that.

I was at the Little Ceasar's off of Fletcher the other evening grabbing a large cheese, and someone apparently abandoned a large with anchovies. They offered to sell it to anyone who was interested for the employee price of $4. I took them up on it, as I happened to have enough cash at the time. It was actually pretty good, to my surprise. Most places don't do anchovies right, but they managed it decently.

I think those are all the important bits. If you made it this far, you get a cookie. I like LoudTwitter's posts to fill in on the occasional day when I don't post here, but I don't just want to end up with my LJ full of nothing but encapsulated tweets, either. So I'll try to be better at keeping up from here on out.

spent money, tech, box lady, work, tasks, lj, kwan ming, stress, toys, bullshit

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