Sep 06, 2008 05:06
Today, I got five cases of free (expired) beer from work. Bill said "take it", and I loaded my car up. I've got one of each of the four kinds chilling in my fridge. Maybe I'll find one of them decent-tasting, but in the worst case, I can make myself popular by giving away free beer. Though they're expired, they're all in glass, so it's not like they're likely to be anything worse than stale at the worst... and even that's not too likely.
I've been having some problems with my trusty old IBM Model M that's been sitting on my desk on and off for the last 5 years. The "G", "H", and ' keys were starting to only register at random. At first I thought it was a software problem, or an issue with the PS/2-USB adaptor, but that turned out not to be the case. I don't think it's anything a bath in some rubbing alcohol or some disassembly and cleaning won't cure, but I just replaced it with one that has less wear on it for now until I get a chance to fuck with it. The replacement is an original IBM (not made by Lexmark for IBM like the one I was using). Classic gray logo, with the removable keyboard cable. The manufacturing date on the back says 1987. I actually have a slightly older one in my collection (from 1986) that has no indicator lights for Caps Lock et al, but It didn't feel the same as I've gotten used to, though I certainly don't doubt it's quality. As I pointed out to someone, my keyboard is actually old enough to drink now.
Did some rushed laundry tonight, since I forgot to do it the night before.
broken shit,
free stuff