May 08, 2008 20:31
The reason I see so many black guys driving nice new cars is that they keep totaling them and insurance keeps replacing them.
Okay, that's racist. But it fits the observed facts.
Tonight on the way back from an errand, a dude in a newer (within the last couple of years) Dodge was merging onto BB Downs from Bears. If you've driven that (or been a passenger in someone's car) through that intersection, you'll know that there's a yield sign there. I had the green light, and the merging traffic has the sign. So, three or four cars zip past me. No big whoop, I'm used to people being impatient that I do remotely close to the speed limit. Then, this guy. I approach, I think "gee, he's still accelerating". So he was... in spite of the yield sign, he was trying to get ahead of me in the lane that's about to end. There was no one behind me, and all he'd have had to do would be to let off of the gas for a literal second, and he'd have fallen right into step behind me. So, I have to stomp on the gas to get ahead of him... and I end up passing right by him, and he actually shoots me a "what the fuck are you doing?" look. Of course, he then proceeds to shoot over to the next lane (without signaling) and almost rear-end a black Toyota. Than, zig-zag around it.
I know Florida has a rather large share of bad drivers... but it's hard for me to understand what the fuck these people are thinking. Half the time I'm not even mad that they're almost killing me, I'm just slack-jawed with incredulity that anyone would do something that stupid and/or assholish.
bad drivers,