promethia_tenk made an awesome vid to the song Radioactive by Chasing Dragons. Love that song. Original post is
here. Watch, then go leave comments upon its awesomeness!
a_phoenixdragon, do I remember rightly that you love this song? Like, a lot? Awesone vid is awesome.
Click to view
1. I think River might work in a similar function to how she did in the S5 finale. Very important, but not central. (OK, so she was at the heart of the TARDIS explosion, but you know what I mean - that one was all about the Doctor & Amy.) Mostly, her story won't be rewritten, and her ending won't change. (In the Library she knows his name, which means that the events that are going to happen have already been absorbed into her life.)
2. If it wasn't that Clara was going to be around for the next series, I could maybe buy a tragedy. (Like... the TARDIS actually dying and Clara being the new one.) But I don't know that Moffat would dare do that. I think it'll be dark (we've had a lot of darkness this season), but ultimately... this:
(It's not ghost story, it's a love story/Every lonely monster needs a companion.)
ETA: Clara = Hila, Doctor = Palmer, River = Emma. Clara is the [distant] relative, who will be/is lost. The Doctor will save her and Song will guide them home. Although first Clara/the Doctor will probably make the universe (/TARDIS) explode & then save it (the universe)/the Doctor. And Omega is probably behind it all. /end theorising.
I don't think the essence of her ending will change - her character arc has to peak with that act of sacrifice, i just wonder if the nature of the sacrifice could be changed. But...this is Doctor Who, and the happy has to be there at the end in some way, i do agree with that.
In other news: OMG soooo excited for the ep this sunday ~happy dance~
If this happened, I think it'd be along the lines of her sacrificing all her lives in LKH. Which is both terribly tragic, but since we know that she'd die in the Library ANYWAY, and not get to use any of them...
In other news: OMG soooo excited for the ep this sunday ~happy dance~
Saturday! In... 7 1/2 hours!
But you're opening my eyes, or perhaps allowing me to open my mind to the possibility, that Moffat could have decided that this was not going to be a "split" season. That this would, in fact, be a continuation of the same story he's been telling. And in that sense - life is dark and dangerous, but the darkness holds stars, and we can rescue each other from the dangers, or comfort each other if we can't - I think I'd like to see this come true.
And your suggestion that the TARDIS explosion harks back/forward to the Doctor and Clara is elegant. Meaty, too, in a way that doesn't take away from the elegance ("meaty" is not an elegant word, sadly.)
and the icon is because, from Uncle Rusty through to the Moff, it's always been a love story. There's so much room for love in two hearts and a dimensionally transcendent blue box, and I've loved all the people he's loved.
No worries. I'm scared to count how many tabs I have open...
Although at first I didn't like the idea of Clara being connected with Eleven's first family (I think I thought of it as an artificial reaching towards a bridge that possibly shouldn't be there; that there should be, both inside and outside the story, a clean break) I am gradually changing my view on it. And that may be almost entirely due to you. Heh.
Well I'm not really arguing that she's connected to Susan. If she is, it'd be as a very distant descendant. (Current!Clara real family makes it... complicated.) My original thought was that she was Jenny's daughter (which I'd still love - esp as we've now had a repetition of 'Don't you remember your daughter?'). Promethia thinks she 11 & River's, which would fit thematically but be a nightmare logistically. She might of course BECOME family...
But you're opening my eyes, or perhaps allowing me to open my mind to the possibility, that Moffat could have decided that this was not going to be a "split" season. That this would, in fact, be a continuation of the same story he's been telling.
That's... not obvious? The themes are very clear. (I've been meaning to write some meta on that, actually.) S7 is extremely coherent, and is now also tying back to S5...
And your suggestion that the TARDIS explosion harks back/forward to the Doctor and Clara is elegant. Meaty, too, in a way that doesn't take away from the elegance ("meaty" is not an elegant word, sadly.)
The solution will be beautifully elegant, this I know. It's the HOW that's the problem... *g*
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