Forgot some things last update, and have some new things, so have an entry. I'm sure I'll forget more things, but hey, it happens.
1. I love my new ID. I got sirred at Xcetera for once, today.
Supernatural Creator to Fans: Dean is Not a Dick. I lol'd. Guess this means it hasn't got something to do with Sammy's demon blood after all, though. Hm.
3. This morning, I was going throuh my computer-folder full of fic -- in particular the
writing_game stories -- to find the ones I haven't crossposted to FFN yet. And, well, people are going to get spammed. Not counting the Samverse or "All the World Drops Dead", it came to 3 SN, 3 Jeremiah, and 34 QL. Yes, 34. *facepalm*
3b. And then I was rereading the QL, trying to decide which ones should be crossposted to
stallions_gate (slash only) as well as FFN and
quantumleap100 and/or
quantumleap_fan, and I discovered that the line between gen and slash in this fandom is about one nanometer wide, lol. Guys, I love you, but way to make this difficult.
4. I almost got hosed by a question on yesterday's CS homework (you know, CS, that class I skip all the tiime because I could teach it? yeah, that one. *headdesk*). I actually turned in a 350-line, buggy program for the partial credit. Happily, I ended up getting it solved in about 60 lines, instead, once I got back from work. That would have been embarrassing.
5. And here, for your reading pleasure, you can have the two new SN stories I wrote last night/this morning without even clicking on a link (beause, um, I edited the second one after I posted it there, so. yeah.). References to "Metamorphosis" and major spoilers for "Yellow Fever", respectively.
Something to Answer For
To say it was the day of the apocalypse would be something of a misnomer. The world, it seemed, took longer to end than one might think it would.
Regardless, the end was approaching at a very rapid pace, that much was clear. There was Lilith, and Castiel, and - and the angel was too good, of course, to say “I told you so”; besides, the heartbroken look in his eyes said everything that could ever be necessary - there was Sam, on the wrong side.
It killed Dean to see him there, standing with Lilith and Ruby and not with him. It had started off innocuously, Dean was sure, and then - well, Sam couldn’t help it. Dean had wondered countless times if he himself could have helped stop it, if having had just a little less faith in his brother, a little more faith in Castiel, would have saved him.
That was all Dean had ever wanted to do. His one job and he couldn’t even get that right; here he was letting down Sam and their father all over again.
But then, Castiel hadn’t managed to stop him, either.
It looked like they would all have something to answer for.
The sun was setting - which was oddly appropriate, because the world was ending. Opposite where Dean stood beside Castiel, the other side was gathering for the final showdown. There was Lucifer, and Lilith… and Sam. His brother’s yellow eyes met his.
And Dean jerked awake, wondering when the nightmares were going to stop. The ghost was gone, after all.
But then, all fear was ghosts, really. Ghosts of all the times he’d let his family down, of the tainted blood in his brother’s veins, of Castiel’s dire predictions of the apocalypse.
If only the others were as easy to kill.