Spiderrrsss (and lots of pictures)

May 08, 2009 12:58

Srsly, there's a freaking spider problem in my house. 
The last time I was at home (Monday) I was taking a shower, when I looked around to discover there was a (small) spider in the shower. Aaand I managed to get it down the drain. 
After my shower, I went back into the bathroom, and discovered the same type of spider on the floor of the bathroom. So... I took my sister's sandal (which was for some reason laying on the counter) and killed (I thought) the spider (later I went into the bathroom to discover that the spider was gone, and even later discovered a dead spider next to the bathtub). 
But last night, I was already getting to bed kinda late, so I headed towards the bathroom to wash up and stuff. Then I noticed that there was this HUGE spider in the hallway. I froze and decided that it was too big to stomp on, so I figured I could put a cup over it and... I dunno... wait or something. 
Unfortunately I couldn't find a disposable cup downstairs, so I had to use one of my dad's monogrammed tumblers to put over it, on top of which I put a VHS copy of "The Swan Princess" and the sandal that I used to kill the other spider a while ago. 

^It's enormous. 
So anyway, once that was over with, I performed my elaborate girly routines in the bathroom (washing my face and brushing my teeth) and went back into my room.
I was finally all settled in my bed until I looked up at the ceiling. 

See the dot next to the fan? That's the spider. XD

So I took my flip-flops, and killed it, without getting it onto my bed. Yay
But it kinda left a gross mark... (dunno why I took a picture of this)

So yeah. I ended up falling asleep around 4ish, because I was afraid that there were spiders everywhere. Which there just might be, because I live in the goddamn woods. 

^(My disappointed-at-how-many-fucking-spiders-there-are face)

But in non-spider related news, I finally moved out of my dorm. It was kinda sad... until I realized how much I had to clean/unpack. This is what my room looked like before putting away all my college stuff: 

But after about 2 or so hours, I have managed to organize and put away most of it. Although it kinda pissed me off that my dad came in later and was telling me that I still had a lot of work to do and that I really needed to work on it. >>

Annnnyway. A few days ago I helped Stephen clean his apartment. Some highlights: 

Discovering 11 jars of his mom's (delicious) homemade strawberry jam in his refridgerator.

Finding a glass in his refridgerator with a solidifyed Pepsi gel type substance that didn't move when I turned the glass sideways.

A prophecy in the mail.

I think we managed to get the apartment moderately clean.. Hopefully enough to satisfy his parents :O
But anyway, I think I'm gonna go to Moe's and then see Star Trek today with Meghan and Jordan... Even though I kinda don't want to spend the money for Moe's AND a movie... Beh. Moneys. 
OH  but I may get a job at Claire's, as soon as the lady decides to call me. Yay!

Alright, long post is done. It's ok if you think it's TL;DR. I apologize. 

tl;dr, college, random

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