I'm fresh from a very pleasant evening with
narahttbbs, talking fandom and fic and intricacies thereof, and thus disposed to turn my attention to the Fic With The Bad Sex Scenes That Ate Manhattan And Indeed Chicago, for she's been telling me for a long time to hurry up and finish it, and I think she may be right. I started writing it in July 2006, got through fifteen pages with frightening rapidity, hit a plot problem that was solved by
amchau and her brother, who actually contributed all the plot in the entire story, and then by the time I was on the Visit of OMG, I told
likethesun2 that her tales of how much she dislikes Ohio had influenced me enough to write a story about a serial killer from Ohio (and also, nuclear bombs, alternate universes and indeed, bad sex).
Cut to OMG Redux, seven months after OMG I and nine months after I started writing, and I still haven't finished it. Tonight, I will. I mean it. (Yes, I always say that. But I will.)
Okay. And now this little declaration is out of the way, a little more fic babble, because ooh,
remix_redux is love. I haven't read nearly as much as I'd have wanted, but a few recs regardless.
First of all, the story of mine that was remixed is "
Sing For Absolution", which is probably my favourite of my Buffyverse stories. It's about Willow and Giles the summer after she tried to destroy the world, and it's also a story about Giles and Ethan and how everything went wrong, and it's got no plot and no resolution and I love it.
The remix, "
The Multitudinous Seas Incarnadine (The Mr And Mrs MacB Remix)" wins major cool points for the title alone. It makes "real" the events of my story - in which they're only related second-hand - and has them produce an effect on Giles himself, rather than Willow. Very cool story.
Other recs:
Living In Dangerous Times (The Carry-On Baggage Remix), The West Wing.
A story about Josh and the people who care about him, and what he keeps in his bag. Lovely.
Dudley Dursley and the Hogwarts Letter (the Top of the Pops Remix), Harry Potter.
Wonderful AU where Dudley's parents died and he was brought up by Lily and James. Lots of fun.
The Red And The Black (the Neverland Remix), Harry Potter.
My favourite in the ficathon. It's long, measured, and painfully real, mixing the sheer comedy of Sirius having his very own Communist revolution with his being utterly lost by the prospect of change, of losing his friends, of growing up. So great, in fact, I can't describe it properly. Go and read it.
My remix story is up in the archive of course, and to my eyes at least, is clearly a story by me. I like it better than I did, for the record - the flaws are still obvious, but I'm not hung up on their being irredeemable any more. Anyway, I hereby promise to award a ficlet/cookie to anyone who guesses correctly before the reveal, and I'm pretty sure someone will - it sounds and reads just like me, and I know it does.
And that's all, because I need to go to bed, but one more thing with which I need assistance. I know this isn't a surprise to anyone but it's, er, really hot right now. More than that, it's muggy and humid and thus I keep having these irrational impulses to cut all my hair off. (It's far too long, now - it touches my shoulders and can be tied up, which is Not On). I don't have the money to get it cut properly right now, and anyway I might regret doing that when it cools down, but still, sticky, thick, heavy hair plastered to one's neck is not pleasant. I'm not really sure what else to do with it, though. Is there anywhere in Oxford, I wonder, where I can buy a bunch of clips/bobbles/scrunchies/related impedimenta for the purposes of just playing with it? Because my hair's usually short, I don't actually own any, and I went to Boots today and all their hair stuff is really expensive.
And suggestions of what to actually do would be gratefully received too. Right now I'm thinking about getting one of those large grabby-clip things (can you tell my level of expertise in this area?) and just clipping it all up. This, however, may be somewhat unimaginative, I don't know.
And this brief digression into unusual girlie territory over, it's really time for bed. Tomorrow afternoon involves lots of people, productivity, and pie. Mmmm, pie.