Feb 18, 2013 21:22
That depressed the shit outta me.. It was suppose to be a joke (something from College Humor) but it described me 100%. I am mediocre.. I've never excelled at any one talent or ability. I'm like the character in a game that overall is semi-useful because he touches bases in all the abilities you might need in your journey but won't put in your party because he's only not useful in "tough" situations.
That's the story of my life. I've never had the drive or ambitions to aim high. I'm just another body in the crowd and i know it but instead of motivating me to aim high... part of me just accepts the fact that I can't do more. or maybe I choose to not do more.
Others will sit there and blame the outside world but I'm at least smart enough to realize... It's just me. No one else is to blame for my slip up or my lack of drive/motivation... I just wish I knew something that would make me stick to my guns. I start having drive at times but sooner or later, I just curl up and die inside.
I'm gonna turn 50/60 someday, look back and realize that.... I'm my worst enemy. That nothing amazing or wonderful will be accomplished by me. That my life was the boringest adventure ever.
sigh... excuse me while I curl up and die..