3½ days left!

Aug 11, 2007 07:43

Okay Clubbers, here we go!  First, please check your e-mail.  On the outside, we need a reply before we post the index.

There's a slight error in the e-mail, I've corrected it here.

Now, who's panicking?  (I am! *bounces*)

The queue will open up sometime on Monday if you want to post early.  We'll keep posting open at least until the last recipient gets their gift, but keep in mind: everyone will be expecting a gift at noon central on Tuesday the 14th.  National Creamsicle Day in the U.S.  If you cannot get it in by then, let a mod know!

* Please be kind to our worshipful pinch-hitters; if it won't be in on time, tell us as soon as possible.  If you don't, well, we won't get mad, but we will be posting your name until we get a response, and your recipient will be glum and possibly even bravely stoic.

* Posting format for everyone: Here are the guidelines
        On the title we're really looking for format and recipient rating. 
        As for headers, ETA: we're really looking for recipient and lj-cut for spoilers and length.  Speaking of length, warnings should be extra clear about age restrictions (rating) and so-called gratuitous content.
        We would appreciate warnings for common squicks (including though not limited to the big three of death, non-con, and embarrassment), plus labels for character pairings -- these can be lj-cut.

* Web hosting: If you need outside hosting for any reason, please contact the mods *now*.  We need tons of lead time for that.

* For fic writers: If your header's too unwieldy, feel free to use a footer at the end of your fic.  Just make sure your lj-cut is clearly labeled.

* For artists and icon-makers: We hope it won't inconvenience you to restrict the width of your tables and/or thumbnails to 410px wide, so as not to break the layout.  (Some layout coding can break friends-lists; lj-cut if you must.  Also, height+width attributes, and alt+title attributes for the handicapped would be appreciated.)

* For icon-makers: After the reveal, please get together with your recipient about icon-snagging policies.

* Layout: If anyone has problems using the current format, please let us know!  We'll do our best to fix it.

* Crossposting: The community has been mirrored at GreatestJournal, and can be set up at InsaneJournal.  We may not be terribly active at those sites other than to prevent shenanigans.  However because of this mirroring, please list *every* public link to your creation for indexing purposes.

* Commenting: Round up everyone you know to do a bit of commenting!
Do be mindful that these are gifts, of course.

Good luck!  May the tarts be with you!


Your Lonely Tarts Mods
Liondragon shusu

Jade  jade_1459  

Aphelant aphelant


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