Screening: The Storm and The Eye (1x10, 1x11) + Boast or Toast Post

Aug 07, 2007 00:23

I know, I know.  John's not wet enough!  Bit of a twist on the usual color scheme for those pivotal hiatus bookends, The Storm and The Eye.  Oh, what wouldn't he do for his friends?

And so ends our lovely screening.  If you're lounging around, feel free to comment to the older entries.  I'm afraid I'm a bit behind on several Club chores for several reasons.  Not the least of which is that the John/Vala Thing-a-thon opens in ONE WEEK!  Due next Tue!

How're you doing, guys?  There's still time...!

As always your mods are:
Liondragon shusu

Jade  jade_1459  

Aphelant aphelant

*returns to flailing*

resources, admin, screening

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