Sep 03, 2008 14:33
i'm sitting @ the library using the internet because A) i am too cheap to pay for my own internet (not that i can't afford it), and B) my laptop was left outside and got rained on, so even if i wanted to get internet I don't even have a computer that works anymore. so sad.
and the dude next to me, must be in his 50's, white dude, is browsing pictures of nicholas cage. that's funny to me.
so what have i been up to since i last wrote.. umm.. not too much.
went to puerto rico for a week in june.
got LASIK eye surgery in august. don't need contacts/glasses anymore!
umm.. not too much of anything else. just work. and spurts of motivation every other week for the gym.
oh i got to the last phase of drug court! i am eligible for graduation in october of 2009. an end is in sight.
i broke my "clean time" .. i drink a couple times a week. and once i got to phase 4 for drug court i smoked pot. so strange how its not a big deal to me anymore. ok farewell.