Would it be alright if we didn't say goodbye this time...

May 30, 2006 00:20

Hey! So, the last couple weeks have gone by pretty fast. I've mostly been working. Went out with friends a couple of nights, but my primary goal while I'm home is to work my butt off. I worked somewhere around 25 hours at Kohl's, and I'm working a few days at the kennel this week, so I'm doing pretty well! Other than work, like I said, hung out with a few friends. Last Thurs I saw the Da Vinci Code with Allie and Tiffany, that was pretty fun! I loved the movie. I think I appreciated it more because I consider myself to be more spiritual than religious - i.e., I believe more in a one-on-one, personal relationship with God than needing to nurture my faith through other people. So I definitely thought it was good. Then Friday night I went to Newport with Caitlin and Charlie, which was a blast! I miss hanging out with them sooo much, it was great to just walk around and talk.

Today, being Memorial Day, Mom and I were both off work so we had my Grampa's birthday party, then went swimming. We all got so burnt, haha, it's pretty ridiculous. But I love swimming, so it was nice. Tomorrow's gonna be rough because I'm working in the 95* heat for 10.5 hours. Ouch. But the money's worth it...

Then, Friday, I get to go see Jon!! I'm so excited! I finally worked it out where I'm leaving Friday after work (or hopefully I can switch so I'm not working Friday) and I'll just drive right up there, spend the weekend there, then back to Richmond on Sunday. I can't wait to see him, I miss him tons!! <333

That's pretty much all my news - not very exciting, I know. I'm gonna go get some sleep since I have to get up and work. G'night!


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