May 20, 2006 01:04
Disclaimer: I hope this blog is acceptable remedy to all the complaints I have received (ahem, Jon. heehee.)
Hey! Alright, Cinci is getting better. Although I've only been here probably a cumulative 3 days. I decided Tuesday morning that I really wanted to take a break from everything, so I went up and stayed at my aunt's in Columbus, which was definitely a fabulous reprieve. Bought some new clothes, yay! Got made fun of for being a clearance shopper, boo. Haha but it was fun. And tonight I finally unpacked all of my clothes at home, and not a moment too soon, since apparently my mom saw the garbage bags I brought everything home in and thought they were for goodwill. EEK! Yeah, that's a negative. I think I would've cried.
I'm still working on how and when to get down to Tennessee to see Jon. First of all, it's a 4 1/2 hour drive, and gas is a bitch right now. Second of all, my mother won't let me drive to UC, and probably won't be too keen on letting me drive to TN by myself, although it's much better than Over the Rhine, haha. Then I don't know when I'd go. I have to work the next 2 weeks straight, then June 4, I'm back to school for a straight week of training, and then orientations pick right back up. Craziness. I realllly want to see him, though. It feels so weird to be this far apart. I'll be the first to admit it, I'm spoiled. I couldn't sleep the first week I was back because I'm used to having him there. Alicia says that's the test for spoiled-ness. Apparently I passed with flying colors. Haha. Anyway, so I miss him like cah-razy, and I can't waiiit to see him.
Tonight I went to see K.C.'s end of the year choir concert, and her last as a vocalist. She may have freaked out about dancing in front of everyone, but she has grown up so much, and is so beautiful. She may be hard to live with some days, but I'm so proud of her. And I missed dancing with Robyn!! It really felt so weird seeing her and K.C. dancing together and thinking how much things have changed in a year. I'm done with my first year of college, and it wasn't nearly as painful as I thought it would be. (Oh, ps, I got grades, 8 A's and a C. A's in all of my honors courses, and a C in college algebra. How ridiculous.) Anyway, it was weird to see some people again. It always is. I guess I shouldn't have so much angst towards high school acquaintances, but high school wasn't as much fun for me as for other people. I never really bonded that much with people. I mean, don't get me wrong, there are a select few (they know who they are) who have been great friends to me, and I hope I've been the same. But a lot of people I just lost touch with (or got in fights with), and I just don't want to see them again. I don't begrudge that our friendships have ended, but it sure feels awkward being in the same room with them after everything's said and done. And, another disclaimer, I don't frown on those who are still friends with their high school buddies. I wish I'd had that. But I have friends in college (and the few wonderful friends from high school) and I'm content with that. That probably didn't make much sense. Let's just say this - if you're my friend, thanks. You're great.
So... I think I've covered everything. Tomorrow's the Batavia garage sale that my great-grandma loves, haha, and Lucy's soccer game. Then I don't know. Hopefully hanging out with either Robyn or Caitlin, depending on who's free when. I should definitely go get some sleep, though, so good night!