Feb 18, 2011 21:16
-- caligulasAquarium [CA] began trolling DiscedoCity [DC] --
okay so i dont think ill use my trollian tag anymore wwhen i begin convversin wwith you naked apes
not that im givvin in to the cry of the crowwd or anythin
its just gettin to be a pain to type it in evvery time i need to troll one of you
but i wwill still keep the style of manner in wwhich i begin addressin you
it helps quell the question of "wwhos this douchebag?"
wwell guess wwhat
the douchebag is you
but enough of the douchebaggery because i knoww one of you are goin to come up and be all
"but eri im not a douchebag im a human and i eat socks for breakfast and im speshul and i run ovver cats for fun sometimes because im such a glubbin douchebag moron! but im no douchebag rest assured eri"
and i also knoww some of you douchebags are going to be all
"eri the island of lost doesnt exist"
i knoww that noww no need for the reminder of my past self and his failures because rest assured there wwere plenty of failures
failures in that im such a big fuckin moron and i couldnt defeat pus and infection
good god i should havve nevver been hatched if i was this great a moron
i should havve really plane crashed onto that island and DIED
leavvin my husk to rot and allowwin benfromlost to feast upon wwhat is left
im on to you BENFROMLOST im on to you and your devvious wways
but the point of this post is wwell my arm is gettin better slightly
but due to the foolish human vvacation called matesprit symbol day im
im havvin a bit of confishion wwith all these emotions
ill be by the sea.... glub
hey douchebag eatin factory japan make me a sandwwich for my trip
explanation of a douchebag,
dropping trollian tag name