Title: Secret
Characters: Ray (allusions to Ray/Sam)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: Life on Mars is owned by the BBC and Kudos. This is a work of fanfiction.
Summary:You don't like Tyler, and you certainly don't understand him.
Author Notes: Written for
Opposite Day drabble challenge.
You don’t like Tyler, and you certainly don’t understand him.
You don’t like the way he comes into the station, with his stupid short hair, criticising the way things are done. You don’t like how he got what should have been your position - especially when you catch more crims each month than he does.
You don’t understand what he’s on about half the time; even when you do, you want to shove him against the nearest wall (but you can’t, because he wouldn’t understand why).
You don’t like Tyler, and you don’t understand him…but you wouldn’t want him to leave.
Title: Can You See What It Is Yet?
Characters: Sam, Chris, [other]
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: Life on Mars is owned by the BBC and Kudos. This is a work of fanfiction.
Summary: "Whatcha singing that for, Boss? It's a bit poncey, in't it?"
Author Notes: Written for
The name of the game is fame! drabble challenge.
"Can you see what it is yet? Here’s a clue; this is the tumour on Sam's brain..."
Sam awoke with a start, trying to shake the eerily familiar voice from his mind as he stumbled out of bed. This was someone new, he thought, pulling on his trousers, someone he hadn’t heard before. He just couldn’t place the voice…
"Two little boys had two little toys. Each-”
"Whatcha singing that for, Boss? It's a bit poncey, in't it?"
Sam groaned. Of all the people to visit him in 1973, it would have to be Rolf bloody Harris, wouldn't it?