Jul 16, 2007 15:35
........ ok
please don't use me for or abuse my kindness and compasion.. oh and this isn't to one person in particular.. I really don't feel there are too many people in this world like me... I mean really who on a day when they feel like shit would even care to tell you goodmorning and hope you have a great day or just send you a message asking.. Gimme a break have the courteousy to just send a reply.. I mean really what harm have i done in just asking that you may act "act" arogant as to not reply... but the main point I'm not a dang doormat and I am not one to be ran over I am my own person I have my own ways and It really ticks me off when people are trying to convince me myself that I am not what I am... gimme a break who knows me better than myself... and if you don't know me ask anyone of my neighbors or family. Cause truely they are the only ones that know anything about me they are the only ones to have taken the time to get to know me or I was just sooo Lucky lol to be related to them... But hope you all have a great day