
Aug 08, 2008 11:20

Title: Housewife.
Chapter: One-shot.
Author: lonely_heartz
Fandom: Johnny’s Entertainment (KAT-TUN/NewS)
Pairing: RyoDa.
Genre: Romance, Fluff.
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don’t own them. 
Summary: Ryo and Tatsuya have been together for 6 years now. They're going through the first big hurdle in their relationship, which they must face and overcome. But how will they go about confronting one another about such sensitive topics? Inspired by being an observer outside the "married life" of couples, in general.

“Tatsuya, you’re always not home!” Ryo said in outburst, “I don’t even get to see you anymore.”

“I can’t help it, Ryo. You’re always not home either! You’re the one who told me that you’re extremely busy with NEWS and Kanjani! I don’t understand why my world has to revolve around you even when you’re not here!”

“Yes! Because you are MY lover!” Ryo said, determined.

“What do you want me to do?! Wait here for you until you come home at some ungodly 3 in the morn, like a good wife?”

“YES!” Ryo glared at his boyfriend but after seeing the looks on Ueda’s face, Ryo softened his heart which caused him to decrease his anger a bit.

For a second or two, they stood there just like that in silence. Ueda by the doorway while Ryo stood in front of him -- taking measures to prevent him from leaving.

Ueda looked in Ryo’s eyes as if looking for something there, hoping and wishing that he’d find it but Ryo’s eyes -- they were a bit different now, unlike before when it was full of fire and passion.

Like in some married couple’s life, the fire and passion of their partner slowly declines with time because there are always other things to think about or be busy about such as responsibility, obligation, etc.

“Ryo, while you were filming several dramas for the past 6 months, do you know how lonely it was for me to sleep by myself at night? I kept on thinking that maybe I’m lacking something for you not to come home as soon as you were done. You didn’t even bother checking up on me through text and whatnot, like what Kame does.” Ueda stared at Ryo’s feet.

“I’m sorry if I’ve ever made you feel like that, Tatsuya. I really am. But you know very well that I’m doing this for the sake of our future retirement. I’m working very hard so that when the time comes, I’d be able to provide for the both of us luxuriously.”

“That’s where we differ, Ryo. You live more for the ‘Future’ whereas I try to enjoy the ‘Now’. What if you end up losing me in the process? Then, what sort of ‘Future’ are you working so hard for?” Ueda stared at Ryo’s orbs once more.

Ryo was confused. He had no idea that these were Ueda’s thoughts all along. Ryo thought that if he worked hard for them, he’d have Tatsuya caring for him all the time because it’s for their future. He never once thought that Tatsuya might leave him because of it. He knew that Tatsuya wouldn’t welcome him home warmly since he usually came home at 3 in the morning since filming ends at 2 am. But he at least expected Tatsuya to make sure that he ate properly, that he was taking vitamins to keep his immune system in a good condition so as not to fall ill. But he never once thought about Tatsuya feeling lonely.

Again, Tatsuya searched for something in Ryo’s eyes, only to find nothing. At least, not what he was looking for.

“Ryo.. Do you still love me?” Ueda looked away. Afraid of the answer; scared to look at Ryo’s eyes, in case he’ll be left disappointed with Ryo’s reply.

“Ueda Tatsuya, I’ve been living with you for 6 years! I've even given you a ring and a vow to prove it! How can you even dare ask me if I still love you! Didn’t you just hear me? I was working hard for our retirement! Of course, I love you!” Ryo was flailing his arms around a bit -- in disbelief. He didn’t understand how it came to this. He’s angry at how his efforts for this relationship have been downplayed.

“The Ryo I knew would’ve taken me here and now! The Ryo I knew would’ve put his arms around me and hold me tight to stop me from leaving! The Ryo I knew would’ve made love to me right now!”

Tatsuya started to become teary-eyed. His knees felt weak so he gave in and crouched down. Ryo became speechless and merely looked at Ueda‘s withdrawn figure. Ryo wondered, ‘How did it come to this?’

In return, Ryo crouched down, caressed Ueda’s cheek softly and lifted it to face him. Ryo said gently, “Is that what you want? For me to make love to you right here, right now? Because I’ll do it if you want me to. Although, I'd rather we do it in our comfy bed.”

Ueda shook his head, “No. You’re tired. You just returned from filming so take a rest. I’m just being selfish. I’m sorry.”

“Yes, I’m tired. I’ve been filming for 18 hours straight but if you want me, I’ll do it for you. You’re more important. Don't worry about me, love.”

“No. Just rest. I don’t want you to get sick.”

“I can’t go to sleep unless we resolve this.”

“It’s been building up for the past 6 months, I doubt we’d be able to resolve it in just one night.”

“It’s worth to try first, Tatsuya. We’re talking about our relationship after all. We’ll try to talk out the main issues tonight. The rest will have to wait for tomorrow since I’ve no schedule for the next week or two. My filming for the 2 dramas have ended today. We have a lot of time to talk and resolve things. It‘s better to talk with a clear head.”

Ueda nodded in agreement, his eyes shot up, upon hearing the news '2 dramas ended', “Then, I won’t leave. I’ll sleep beside you.”

The two got up from their crouched position and went into their shared bedroom to change into their sleeping wear.

Once both were on the bed, Ryo switched the lights off and Ueda faced the window while Ryo stared at Ueda’s back. Ryo wanted to reach over and hug Tatsuya but it’s been so long since they last held each other that it seemed a bit awkward somehow, especially with the current situation, to do it now.

‘Why can’t I seem to put my arms around my own lover? Since when did I become so soft? This is so frustrating! Why!!!’

Ueda felt Ryo’s arms hover above him but not fully landing to the place where it should be. Hence, Ueda took action, “You can hold me if you want.”

Ryo nodded even if Ueda couldn’t see and that’s when Ryo finally held Tatsuya closer and tighter towards him so that their bodies meshed perfectly well together.

“Ryo, what’s happened to us?” Ueda asked gently with evident sadness.

Ryo kept silent as he didn’t know the answer either. Ueda continued, “Why do you seem so mature, taking this situation well.. You really surprised me. On the other hand, I’ve become selfish. I’m truly sorry.”

“You don’t have to be sorry, Ueda. It’s only right that you’d react this way regarding my absence and what with me being busy all the time --”

“See, since when did you become so understandable? The Ryo I know would’ve definitely yelled at me and got mad. What happened? But you know, the old Ryo and new you, I like both.”

Ryo merely chuckled at Ueda’s statement, “I think it might’ve been the dramas. You know, the characters I play.. They’re not real but their personalities are based on real people and their situations are based on real predicaments. Hence, the characters I played recently and those in the past have somehow always taught me a lesson or two. The thing is, it sticks with you. Besides, we aren‘t getting any younger either, Ueda.”

“I really liked the impulsive you but this mature you isn’t so bad either. I kinda like it.” Ueda said as he smiled, even if Ryo couldn’t see it. On the other hand, Ryo nuzzled on Ueda’s neck and breathed on it since he knew it tickled Tatsuya.

“I don’t like you taking all of the responsibilities, Ryo. Otherwise, you make me feel like I’m lacking when I’m not. I may not earn as much as you but I earn enough to fend for my own retirement. So, stop working so hard -- hurry up and always come home to me, early!” With this, Ueda turned to face Ryo. Tatsuya took both of Ryo’s arms and placed it on his neck while their forehead touched. Their breaths harmonized; lips barely touching.

“I’m very sorry for making you wait for me all this time. I’m sorry for making you feel lonely and alone. I’ll never make you feel this way again. But I think you should know that whenever I was working, I only always thought of you. Whenever I came home, I was only holding back because I kept on thinking that you’d be tired and that you won’t want to be groped at some forsaken 3 in the morning. I was tired but I don’t care as long as I can hold you.” Ryo said with sincerity.

“And here I was thinking every night that maybe you grew tired of me which is why you never held me all this time! I was so scared, Ryo! I couldn’t bear the thought of you growing tired of me. But I knew you’d never cheat on me.. I just knew it. I never once doubted your faithfulness. For the same reason, I’ve never once cheated on you either.” Ueda said and smiled gleefully.

“I wouldn’t dream of it. I gave you a ring with a long-lasting promise attached, not meant to be broken until death do us part. With the same token, I knew you wouldn’t dare cheat on me either.” Ryo said softly.

“Ryo, let’s just savour and bask in what we have now because living the ‘Now’ together -- every second of each minute, together -- is much more exciting than anything else, don’t you agree?”

Ryo made an ‘Ah-huh’ sound and nodded in agreement while Ueda made their lips touch. Ueda was about to pull his mouth away when Ryo caught his lover's mouth in his. With passion. With heat. With sincerity. With love. Ryo placed all of his energy and effort in that one hell of a great kiss to fill the 6 months worth of void in their being.

*The afternoon after*

Ueda opened his eyes as he felt someone intently staring at him. True enough, Ryo was indeed staring at him without blinking.

Ryo smiled upon seeing his beautiful princess wake up.

“Good afternoon, hime.” Ryo placed a chaste kiss on Tatsuya’s lips.

“Afternoon? What time is it?” Ueda asked, confused.

“2:00pm. You slept like an angel. Soundly asleep.”

“It was all your fault, Ryo-tan! You were the one who wouldn’t let me sleep last night! How many rounds did we go for? Three?”

“Five. You kind of passed out at 4 1/2.” Ryo said in satisfaction.

“No wonder my back sides hurt. You’d think I’d get used to rough and countless rounds after so many years of being in this relationship but how come my body’s not co-operating? Because my back sides truly hurt for the first time in a long while.”

Ryo’s grin grew wider as if what Ueda just said was music to his ears. Ryo kept on thinking, 'Raw. Passion. Love. Ueda Tatsuya. Hot. Love. Happy'. Especially the knowledge that he didn’t lose his touch made him more than extremely happy. The fact that he can still please Ueda makes him feel like he’s in Cloud 9.

“What are you smiling about?” Ueda asked.

Instead of replying to Ueda’s question, he merely took Tatsuya’s hand and placed it upon his hardness, “Because I was looking at you while you were asleep. You made me like this. Now, you have to take responsibility.”

Ueda looked at Ryo in disbelief, “But we were just at it until 8 this morning!”

“Yes, but are you really that heartless to ignore ‘this’?” Ryo asked Ueda as he made Tatsuya feel it more by pressing harder.

Ueda sighed, “Old, pervert! Fine but shouldn’t we eat first? Aren’t you hungry?”

“That can wait! ‘This’ can’t! Besides, I already ate you while you slept!”

“What?! Ryo, you--” Ueda playfully hit Ryo on the arm while Ryo took the opportunity to kiss Tatsuya with tongue to get his boyfriend be more interested in what they’re about to ‘do’.

The rewarding thing is, make-up sex or making love after missing one another for a long time is way more sexier, more hotter and more passionate -- enough to get the impulsive Ryo back to his senses.

"By the way, last night.. where were you going to go?" Ryo asked with curiousity, after breaking off the sensual kiss.

"Oh, that. I was going to eat with KATTN. All the while, we've been eating dinner together for some odd reason. It just so happens that our circumstances let us have dinner together as a group. Of course, we all share the bill." Ueda smiled.

Ryo sighed in relief.

Of course, this didn't get past Ueda, "You seriously didn't think that I was going to leave you last night, did you?"

Ryo didn't answer.

"God, Ryo! Of course, I wouldn't leave you! I love you too much to do that! I, for one, wouldn't be able to do that to you! In the future, keep in mind that no matter how hard it gets, I'll always be here. How could you even think like that about me!" Ueda playfully smacked Ryo's arm.

If Ryo was 'Dumbo the Elephant', he'd be flying to Cloud 9 right now. That's how happy Ryo is. The thing is, only Ueda Tatsuya can send him flying to such a wonderful, comfy place. Ryo hugged Ueda with all tenderness.


From here on out, it’d be only always hot, wild, passionate and wet.

It’s bagged.

Ryo’s got it covered.

Don’t you worry.


A/N: So, this has been inspired by ‘We Got Married’ for which btw, I love Hwangbo Hye Jung x Kim Hyun Joong couple! Anyways, it’s not only inspired by WGM but also, married couples in general. I mean, we see it everywhere -- where the 'fire’ sort of declines when you’ve past 5 years of marriage life. Sometimes, even 3 for some people. Of course, there are those who are still passionate even with more than 5 years worth of marriage. Just look at Brangelina. The 'passion’ doesn’t really die & I don’t think it becomes non-existent -- it merely declines to the point where it’s hardly visible seeing that such things are replaced with thoughts regarding responsibility, obligation to pay the mortgage, to pay the car, to pay for groceries, to pay for tuition fees and all these other worries. All of which involve having to ‘work’ for more money to pay off these things. Hence, it’s unavoidable that some couples forget why they’re working so hard in the first place. Instead of thinking, “I’m doing it for my partner & for my children to live as well as we can”, it becomes, “Crap, my bills are due next week! I need to take an extra shift!”. This is life. It happens. It's unavoidable. Of course, ‘working more’ also means that you get to see your ‘other half’ less and less. Before couples realize it, well.. You know how it goes. This is just my take on married life for now, but what would I know? I’m not married yet and we never really fully understand something unless we’ve experienced it ourselves.

This one is dedicated to the following people:
It's dedicated to show my deep appreciation for all of your beautiful & wonderful feedbacks that you've left me with. Your previous comments moved me. It  truly encourages me to write more so I thank you all. For those others who have left a deep impression on me and I haven't had the chance to dedicate one for you yet, I surely will next time. A lot of people dedicate fics nowadays and I thought, 'Why not show my appreciation through dedicating a fic?' So I did. I put 6 names all at once since I'm unsure how many fics I'm able to write before the summer is over. I'm working on my multi-chapters right now so that by the time, school comes around, I'd be able to do one-shots which is all that I'm going to be able to do.

*ryoda, -housewife

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