Nov 06, 2008 17:37
The short and dirty version:
- Michael Orange is a phenomenal speaker and knows his stuff.
-the United States is an Empire; no matter how much we protest that we are the Jedi Knights, we are Darth Vader and his army - we have been since 1776.
- In WWI, 15% of all casualties of war were civilian.
- that number rose to 65% in WWII
- During the Vietnam conflict the percentage of civilian casualties was 78%, the other 22% were military casualties (these figures are for both sides combined and totaled)
- Can you guess the percentage of all civilian casualties for our current War in Iraq? .... .... .... .... .... if you guessed 93% you would be correct. In the current Iraqi war, only 7% of the total casualties are military.
- Read the People's History of the United States, it will open your eyes.
In other news....
I'm getting my tonsils removed in January! I got no static from the doctor this morning, he just warned me that I'm going to want to move back in with my mom (and dad) for about 2 weeks post-op. Apparently having a tonsilectomy is one of the top most painful procedures an adult can have (and according to my doctor that includes being more painful than having cancer cells/lumps removed from the throat, face, or head areas). I am expected to basically not move for a week. And be quite lethargic and restful the second week. So I'll be wanting company the second week you people! Come watch movies with me and my mum, and entertain me, because I'll probably be bored by then. The doc said to expect to spend a good deal of time in pain and in sleep. "The drugs will take the edge off the pain, they won't make the pain go away," he said. Yippee!
But really, I can deal with the pain if that means I'll be tonsilitis free for the rest of my life. It will be all good!
Okay, that's all I've got for now.