cant think of a subject....*tear

Jun 09, 2004 22:05 see- I want to take a year off of school after I graduate highschool. But, I'm not allowed. "Not Allowed"...can you believe that? I'll be 17 goin on 18 (hopefully, if I pass all years) and I cant make up my own mind. Maybe I need that year to know exactly what I want to do? It doesnt matter. Thats what she thinks, and that if I take a year off- I wont ever go back. But if I dont..then thats what is meant to happen. I want to travel for that year, go to New York- see a real Broadway show. ..that word looks funny when you actually spell it. And speaking of Broadway....

yes- the song was really good dear. And yes, it's true. You are going to be the one who actually makes somethin out of yourself. You are going to be the person that every little kid dreams of being. Goodluck, although you do not need it. You seem to do just fine without luck, and besides...I hardly think that luck could get you that far. Anyways, we love ya.

Well you guys, I'm getting sick of this ad-ware thing that keeps comin up. So I guess i'm gonna go.

....It's beautiful- who would have thought that over 100,000 people could have cared for One person so much?

~Ronald Reagan~

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