Time drags slowly onward

Dec 21, 2010 12:44

Oh God, it's that time of year, when most business other than retail slows down. At work, I can count the number of customer calls I've had for tech support on one hand (using my left one, the right one is kinda busy LOL) in days. Time is creeping by and I find myself more tired at the end of the day on these slow dragging days than if the calls were coming in back to back.

Coupled with the recent events of this past weekend, it just seems worse. There are two people constantly on my mind right now. One has not talked to me in days, even though he was online last night, I didn't message him and he didn't message me either. I sent him an email Sunday but don't know if he read it or not. I am waiting on a reply on that one, don't know if I'll get one. The other I have not heard from in over a month. I've set precedence twice and it seems both times they have been met with disapproval from the other party. There's certain things I won't abide and if that's unacceptable then it is time to move on. Nobody said it would be easy and nobody said it would fun. What do you do? Just give up? Not in my makeup and I will keep on trudging along.

I'm not making any New Year's resolutions but I am going to strive to get out more, in the real world and not the virtual world. Of the clubs in Raleigh (one of which I refuse to go to based on the way it's treated friends in the past) I will start frequenting 2 of them. I am not big on clubs but it seems the best way to meet people.... online has not produced much (as most of you can attest) and I am not a gay socialite. So if anybody has any hot sexy men they aren't using right now, send one my way!!!!!! LOL
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