I've finally had official news that I'll be offered a promotion to coordinator position next year at Wolfram & Hart. Considering my graduate contract was due to expire at the end of December, I figured it was time to start looking for other positions (tally so far - six applications, three rejections. Still waiting on the other three).
I'm probably going to take it, for a couple of reasons. One, it'd mean I don't have to job hunt right this moment (I'm still not getting interviews after two years of experience?). Two, we've actually got a new BD Director (BigBoss). It only took a year since the previous BigBoss left. Wolfram has gone through 5 BD Directors in the past 7 years, which shows you how hard it is to get traction here. She started this week, and apparently had made it a condition of employment to be a part of the management board meetings, something our previous BigBoss had never been successful with.
The new contract would start at the start of January, but I will stay on in Canberra until the end of January to make sure the new graduate gets a proper hand-over before I head back to Melbourne.
So, we'll see how it goes.
I'd be working with the real estate practice group, which I've done some work with before as part of my construction rotation. I'll be working with a BD manager in that area, too, so hopefully that'll mean I won't bear the brunt of the pricklier partners. I'd also have some work with the energy and resources industry group, depending on how the work went.
The thing I'm most hopeful for, however, is something called 'the client program'. From what I've heard it's going to be our attempt to be more strategic and focused on our top clients, hopefully something similar to what Adelaide's been working on. I'm hoping I'll be able to devote the majority of my time to that, but of course it could go anywhere.
All of us remaining grads have been offered positions, which is not entirely surprising. We're some of the longer serving members of the team. BD has been suffering for a long time now. I just hope the new BigBoss can turn it around.
My boss here in Canberra, and even MediumBoss in Melbourne both mentioned that the client program was something they thought would suit me, considering my analytical nature. I hadn't thought of it that way, but I suppose after the work I've done with the margin analysis and report building in Adelaide that seems to be right.
I talked to Canberra boss about doing some post grad study, and mentioned I was weighing up between a Masters of Marketing, or a more general Masters of Business Administration. He found value in his Masters of Marketing, but was still thinking about doing a MBA. He also said he thought the MBA would suit me more.
So, things to think about.
In other news - the third week of sourdough brings us this beauty:
I figured out the reason why the bread had been exploding in the oven was due to leaving it to rise in the fridge overnight. When I was putting in the oven I hadn't been giving it enough time to get back to room temperature beforehand, which meant a(n even more) dramatic change in temperature than usual.
This time I left it out for half an hour before kneading and shaping (which I didn't do last time), and letting it rest for another half hour before putting it in the oven.
I think we're starting to get there.