Today was a pretty productive day, though that seems to have become the pattern my weekends have settled into. Rex usually works on the weekend, which is annoying because it'd be nice if he got more shifts during the week instead. So I get stuff done around the house.
In any case. I've done a couple of loads of laundry, made the bed, done the dishes, cleaned the kitchen and the bathroom, and even finally got down to the library and signed up. And promptly borrowed the first season of The Wire, because I'm awesome. (Have not seen it yet, though it's been one I've been meaning to watch for a couple of years now.)
I also baked some sourdough bread! The sourdough bread is interesting, I'm really enjoying the three-step process of fermenting the dough. I tend to be good at remembering things, so taking the sourdough starter out of the fridge once a week and 'feeding' it more flour and water is something I'm a little obsessive about.
In any case, it's the second week I've baked bread with this starter, and I think it's beginning to hint at sour-ness - maybe another 2 to 3 weeks and it'll become noticeable in the taste, rather than just something you can smell. I shall report back, in any case.
(The recipe I'm using is
Nigella Lawson's sourdough recipe.)
I'm still figuring out what's the best pattern to cut into the dough before baking - the first attempt was just diagonal slits in one direction, and the bread exploded upwards. This time I tried a cross hatch pattern, and it exploded in all directions.
I also made cupcakes today, since I felt like making a carrot cake. I used
this recipe from Smitten Kitchen.
Considering I only had a butter knife to do the icing, I'm okay with how they turned out. (A note - I used half the icing quantities she specified, since I wasn't really decorating the cakes.)
So I guess my cooking is coming along. It is much nicer having a second person around to finish the things I make, so I can get on to making the next batch of things... I get a lot more variety in my diet than when I was living alone!
Next weekend, I may attempt banana bread (now that bananas have come down in price - so exciting!)