I know this isn't new, but it's particularly sucky right now.
Depressing, but I suspect more research would be needed to get to the heart of the matter - like, did the researchers control for socio-economic status, addresses of applicants, is it only particular industries, male vs. female, etc. etc.?
Job hunting: when sending in resumes, people with "white names" tend to be more likely to be called back than applicants with "non-white names". (Quotation marks because, well, these are kind of huge generalisations.)
UK news report - white names send nine applications to every one positive response (a phone call or an interview). Minorities send sixteen to one.
US news report - white names send ten to one. Minorities send fifteen to one.
Another summary. "Beyond race, a white-sounding name on an application is worth as much as an extra eight years of work experience."
Canada news report - only says white names get 40% more interview call backs than minorities.
Abstract of one of the studies.
But as Feministe says,
if it's not going to be your name, it'll just be something else to fault.
Anyone know where to get Australian data? I've been Googling ABS data about minority unemployment rates compared to white Australians, but nothing seems to be about it specifically.
Some human lives are worth more than others. I don't know why it's resonating so much with me right now, I've always known it deep down. But hearing it said, is hitting harder than all the implications and insinuations I've ever been subjected to.