This has been a busy weekend! On Saturday I woke up in the morning in the hopes of catching J online, though I knew it'd probably be a bad idea since I'd be going for the movie marathon that night too... sadly, I didn't get to see J nor did I get a nap in the afternoon before heading off. I had no nap because my dad wanted me to get a new phone, since I'd just finished my contract with my old one that had been
generously drenched in alcohol back in Nottingham last year. Ever since then it's been impossible to turn off without actually pulling out the battery, since when you press the power switch the phone will shut down like normal... then with sneaky mobile ninja moves it TURNS ITSELF RIGHT BACK ON again.
It also tends to turn itself off whenever it feels like it (usually in the middle of texting or phoning someone), or needs to be connected to a power supply point near constantly in order to use it. But now! Now I have a shiny black phone. It's not a clam/ flip-top type phone, which is mildly disappointing. I do, however, have a camera in it, so I can finally take photos of random things that strike me when I don't have my digital camera out.
I also get to knit a case for it! That I think is what makes me happiest about it, sadly... I just picked a phone at random since I just wanted to get home and eat something and possibly nap. Since everyone in the planet apparently needs a new phone, however, there was a queue and the guy who served us anyway was probably fairly new and so wasn't the fastest person. I kept my mobile number, anyway. Which is good, since I got to pick the last four digits when I got my first mobile (all the way back in 2001), and picked my year of birth.
Then, not long after getting home, I had to head into the city to meet up with the others. I got there ridiculously early (because I didn't want to risk missing the train), then Kali came a bit after, then the DM and Terrok (I'm using the names of their characters) arrived just as the train was preparing to leave the station... I don't know what we would have done if they hadn't gotten on, since the next train wouldn't have come for another 40-50 minutes or so, and the point of travelling together was just in case of any trouble (since that train line's known to be a bit dodgy).
The movie night was excellent! I really enjoyed it. We had pizza for dinner, and watched about six movies pretty much consecutively. We saw Van Helsing, and a Van Helsing cartoon prequel, the second D&D movie (come on, how could we resist?), Underworld 2, Alien vs Predator and Signs. We started trying to work out feats, alignments, skills and classes of characters in most of the movies. Van Helsing was good, Underworld 2 was ok, the Van Helsing prequel was complete rubbish (the animation was lazy, the story was non-existant, it was all completely boring and rubbish), Alien vs Predator I'd seen before, but it was interesting to watch again with people who knew the Alien and Predator movies, but hadn't seen this one. Signs I didn't really pay much attention to, but it seemed interesting. The D&D movie was hilariously crap, and we had great fun mocking it ("She can't even cast a level 0 spell?!?!?").
We made lots of D&D jokes, as you can imagine. It was really fun!
Rex: I'm making coffee, anyone want some?
Me: +2 on aid another in drinks making!
Hero on screen wields two guns.
DM: Swashbuckler rogue?
Terrok: He's more of a paladin, though a bit chaotic, isn't he?
Rex: Dual wielding, in any case.
And so on and so forth. Rex and I also spent most of the night randomly poking each other. I think that's what mostly kept me awake, staying on alert for it.
I.I. (the roleplaying club) is thinking of having a PvP tournament, where parties battle each other in an arena-type thing. It'll be held every week, and you can level up your character as you go on. It sounds interesting, and our regular DM is really getting into the planning, so there was lots of discussion about it. We'll be using the core rulebooks only, so no fancy classes from the newer books. Even if I don't play, it'd be really good to watch, I think.
After the movies it was about 3 or 4 in the morning, and I'd only drifted in and out of sleep during Underworld (luckily it's the type of movie you can do that in and not miss much). So I was pretty pleased with myself. Terrok and Kali gave in to sleep and went to bed, while the three of us remaining dosed up on more coffee and played D&D. I got to watch the sky lighten as the two of them basically massacred every challenge I put in front of them. DMing is really hard! I will need a lot more experience before I can actually run a campaign of my own. Plus, my dice rebelled against being used as DM dice, and rolled really really badly almost every time.
Then we played a few random encounters, and started battling each other's characters when the other two woke up. By then it was about 11 or so in the morning. Kali and I ended up leaving first, catching a 2pm train. I think the DM and Terrok left at 4pm, which was about the time I got home.
I kept drifting off to sleep between stations (once I'd parted ways with Kali and was on my own train line again), and waking up whenever we got to a station and the doors opened. The first part of the journey home passed in a blur of stations with no memory of moving between them. I walked home to try and wake myself up again, and a shower and food helped too. I ended up napping before dinner, at about 5pm till 8pm, then headed back to bed finally around 11pm. So now I'm feeling more awake, though my eyes feel a little dry and staring at a computer screen can get painful at times.
But I'm really glad I went! It was lots of fun, and hopefully we can do something similar again soon.