Oct 03, 2008 06:27
Things still haven't slowed down around here! The bazaar was great, I had lots of fun and ate lots of gorditas. I was up and running all day both days so I crashed all day Monday. Last weekend I spent some time with Kristen and Annan, I'm soooooo glad I was able to see them before we move. We went to lunch at Panera (which I've only been to once and didn't like because the lady was rude to me but was really good this time) then saw The Women, which was pretty good. I got some shopping done, bought Annelise's baby book, and then we went to dinner for Kristen's birthday. We spent the night at the Svateks' house and had lots of fun staying up late catching up.
The next day Kristen dropped me off at home and I got dressed and went to Mary's personal shower. The food was delicious and I will admit to swiping a second cupcake to eat on my way to the mall. Dianna, Melisa, and I went shopping in Arlington that afternoon, Melisa needed a dress for the wedding and Dianna needed a suit for her interview. I needed shoes for the wedding, but all that walking tired me out and I didn't end up buying anything. That night was the bachelorette party, it was interesting. Dinner was yummy, then we went back to the hotel. Mary's friends are more into the traditional bachelorette party than we were for Dianna's, so it got pretty crazy. I rode back with Carla and Sherry, I'm very grateful that I'm pregnant and had an excuse to leave before the drama started.
Monday I had a doctor's appointment, everything is going well with the pregnancy. I'm maintaining a steady and healthy weight gain and Annelise's heartbeat is strong. She be-bops all over my belly at all times of the day and night, who knows how much energy she'll have when she gets out! I have a feeling she's going to be just like her Aunt Lusa and I'm going to be tired for 14 years from keeping up with her. I got my flu shot and have gotten past the few days of achiness. Now I'm just dealing with the allergies that have kicked in since everyone around here is harvesting their crops. I'm just fine as long as I keep medicine in my system.
Carleigh Reese spent the night on Tuesday so I got to hang out with her on Wednesday before dropping her off at Sherry's. I love Carla's girls and it was great to have some one on one time with Carleigh. I think I'm going to take Carsyn with me today to eat lunch with my mom. We're gearing up for Mary and Rusty's wedding tomorrow, it should be lots of fun.
They started on the new house in the last couple of weeks, the plumbers have been here all week working on the underground stuff so that the slab can be poured. I hope the house goes quickly and smoothly, we're running out of space here. Between my stuff and al lthe baby stuff (and all the baby stuff we'll be getting in the next few weeks), plus the stuff that my packrat family won't get rid of, you can barely move upstairs. Christmas is going to be a nightmare with 8 adults, a newborn, and a dog in the house. I'm hoping the new house will be mostly done so I can store some of our stuff there, otherwise there won't be space for everyone. Babies have a lot of stuff and it's a squeeze with just me in that room upstairs; poor John will have to live out of a suitcase when he moves back, except I don't know where we'll put the suitcase!! Looks like I'm going to have to buy lots of rubbermaid tubs and stack them to the ceiling.
For some good news... Our crib came in yesterday, I'll run by Wal-Mart on Monday to pick it up. I so badly want to take it out of the box and set it up, but I think I'll have to settle for inspecting the parts to make sure they're all there. My baby shower is only 2 weeks away, it's going to be agony to not check my registries every day to see what's being bought. I got all of my hostess gifts earlier this week, so now I just have to calm down and wait out the next couple of weeks. I'm not good with patience, I have a feeling motherhood is going to change that.
I'm going to Wichita Falls on Tuesday for a couple of days. I can't wait to see Mandy and Rebecca and their kids. Plus, Mom's birthday is on Tuesday and now she and Dad can have a quiet house again for a couple of days. Having me here has been an adjustment for them, I appreciate what they're doing for me SO MUCH!!! John is able to concentrate more on school because he knows I'm happy and safe and surrounded by family if I need anything, and I'm not bored off my ass in Clovis. Dad's just excited because he gets to eat real food now for dinner.