(no subject)

Jun 07, 2006 19:45

Chapter 1: The Basics
Initials: AHMD
Middle name: NA
Nickname(s): Shadow, Drunky McDrunkerson (but really who isnt) and Harry
Sex: Male
Date of birth: March 27th, 1985
Star sign: Aries
Place of birth: Toronto
Current location: Basement

Chapter 2: The Background
Mother's name: Jeanette
Mother's occupation: Marketing
Mother's hometown: Toronto
Father's name: James
Father's occupation: Distribution  Manager
Father's hometown: Toronto
Do you live with your parents? Till School Starts
Do you get along with your parents? depends
Are you parents married/separated/divorced? Married
Do you have any siblings? 3 Sisters
What pets do you have? Too Many
Did you grow up in a different plance then where you are now? ask me again in 3 months
Where did you spend your summers as a child? Muskoka Woods Sports Resort and Kingston  
What was the name of your elementary school? Williamson Road Public School and R. H. McGreggor
Who were your best friends in elementary school? Fraser and Andrew
Who was your favorite teacher in elementary school? Mme. Welch
What was your best memory from elementary school? Swim meet maybe
Worst memory? anything involving homework I guess
What was the name of your middle school? Glen Ames
Who were your best friends? Byron, Andrew and Fraser
Who was your favorite teacher? Mr. S
What was your best memory? I dont remember a lot from that period
Worst memory? Im sure there are many
What was the name of your high school? Malvern C.I.
Who were your best friends? Graeme and Kimmie
Who was your favorite teacher? Big E, J Taylor and BK
What was your best memory? The plays and hanging out of course
Worst memory? I was really mad the day the plays nearly got cancelled.
Out of elementary, junior high, or high school, which did you like best? elementary school but the last 2 years of highschool were good too
Did you ever go to the same school as your siblings? 2 of them
Did you ever go to the same school as your parents? no

Chapter 3: The Favourites
city: good question... I think I'll have to get back to you
vacation spot: probably Scotland but i have much to still see
sport: Rock Climbing, Hockey
dessert: Ice Cream
drink: White Mocha
alcoholic drink: Too many to list...
place to eat: Mika
ice cream flavor: It depends
season: spring
holiday: Wintereenmas and of course the summer blast which is a week in the summerto party... course this year theres 2 weeks
clothing brand: Anything
make up brand: I use make up??
shampoo/conditioner: anything
number: 3
color: Crimson
word: craptactular
cheesy pick up line: "If I could rearrange the alphabet I'd put U and I together." ahahahahaha

Chatper 4: This or That
lefty/righty: righty
rock/country: rock
diamonds/pearls: diamonds
blondes/brunettes: Both...
new york/montana: New York
usa/canada: Canada
gold/silver: depends
hummer limo/stretch: stretch
gatorade/powerade: gatorade i guess
diet coke/regular: regular
chicken fingers/chicken nuggets: Theres a difference
mcdonalds/burger king: meh either way
subway/taco bell: both
gravol/pepto bismol: I've enver had either
plane/train: both
skiing/snowboarding: Boarding
cliff diving/shark diving: cliff diving
east coast/west coast: east coast
marissa/summer: Summer
Bush/Kerry: That depends... is rest of the question "to launch in
to the sun"
Britney/Christina: Christina
Lindsay Lohan/Hilary Duff: Neither
The OC/Laguna Beach: Neither
Flintstones/Jetsons: Flintstones
Full House/Fresh Prince of Bel-Air: both, lol
Growing Pains/Boy Meets World: Boy Meets World
Brady Bunch/Partridge Family: Brady Bunch
peanut butter/jelly: peanut butter
creamy/crunchy: creamy
red rover/capture the flag: capture the flag
mother may i/simon says: simon says
lake/pool: lake
snow day/spring day: Spring
London/Paris: London
shower/bath: shower
love/money: ummm... at this point... money
Nike/Adidas: Converse
peanuts/crackerjacks: Crackerjacks
Target/WalMart: who cares

Chapter 5: Do You ...
Sing in the shower? Nope
Write memos on your hand? Nope but i do draw on it while bored
Call people back? As long as i know they called
Have your driver's license? nope
Believe in love? Yes
Knock on wood? Only jokingly
Sleep on a certain side of the bed? not really..
Wear glasses or contacts? both
Have any weird pet peeves? only stupid ppl but thats not weird
Have any weird hobbies? I collect Swords

Chapter 6: Have You Ever ...
Gone skinny dipping? Yes
Worn braces? Nope
Smoked a cigarette? Never
Smoked a cigar? No
Smoked anything else? No
Broken a bone? Fractured and its never fully healed
Had stitches? Twice but it was the same wound. I should have had more though
Kissed a member of the same sex? No
Shoplifted? not that I know of
Punched someone in the face? Too many times
Skipped school? I majored in skipping 101
Flown first class? Yea.. on my to disney world for a business trip
Traveled to another continent? Yes but i want to go to more
Used racial slurs? maybe jokingly
Taken painkillers? not even for my wisdom teeth
Taken sleeping pills? nope
Ridden in a limousine? yes
Gone SCUBA diving? no
Been stung by a jellyfish? no
Been stung by a bee? yes
Thrown up in a restaurant? been thrown out of one but no vomiting
Made a snow angel? yes
Been to overnight camp? yes
Written a letter to Santa Claus? i dont think so
Sworn in front of your parents? All the time. Shit!! There.. i did it again
Had detention? yeah... I had a lot of those
Been sent ot the principal's office? yes
Screamed "penis" at the top of your lungs? No
Made a prank phone call? Nope
Been to the opposite end of the country? yeah
Been called a bitch? nope
Been called a whore? lol yeah..
Been called prude? nope
Met someone famous? All the time.. no big deal. The only one I have made a big deal for was John Candy.. yes he was Alive
Slept naked? yes
Gone streaking? haha yeah
Played ding dong ditch? no
Climbed a tree? yes
Been kissed under the mistletoe? somehow no
Had a threesome? no

Chapter 7: Pick Your Perfect ...
pizza: I like the classic pepperoni
bagel: toasted with butter and a side of eggs over easy lol
smore: graham cracker on top and bottom with a marshmellow with chocolate chips pushed in smushed in between
sandwich: Sliced turkey
sundae: dont ask me or ill have to make it... so good yet so unhealthy
outfit: A gundam

Chapter 8: Random
If you could take back one thing, what would it be? I probably would have gone to class more sick or not
Would you rather win an Oscar or the Nobel Prize? Nobel Prize
What time do you get up in the morning? lately, 10-11am
What time do you go to sleep? 4am
If you could bring 5 items with you to a deserted island, what would they be? Jessica Alba, Sword, Life Time supply of Beer, King Size bed and a Fishing Set
Do you prefer blonde hair or brown hair? no preference
What's one thing you've always wanted to do, but haven't done? live in another continent would be awesome
If you were on death row, what would your final request be for your last meal? Japanese or Chinese with Custom Souffle
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? Everywhere.. well not everywhere but just about
Name 5 people in history that you want to meet: Lennon, Aristotle, Socrates, Caesar and just cause of family Guy... Id like to see Jesus
If you could be anything/one you want, who/what would you be? Superman.. minus the outfit.. i know its dorky but come on.. that is the ultimate power mix.
If you were a superhero, what would your power be? its above.
If the world floods and you can only save 1 species, it would be: Wolves
What are the last 4 digits of your phone number? 1649
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