Nov 17, 2004 16:50
Miss stewart is a fucking arsehole. she's taking orchestra now. so today me and toddy had no music again because the fucking 3rd years had taken it. they're not even meant to be in 1st violins they suck, they think just coz they went to barcelona they should be and it's not fucking right they are soo shite. anyway i said to miss stewart we didn't have any and she was like it's not my problem you should look after your own music (which we are not allowed to take out of school!) so we had to get a guy to move and another to swap. so after that we were just about to play and i was fixing my mute as she counted them in and i got my violin up just in time and she goes everyone stop louise was in the middle of a conversation so we have to start again. I WAS FUCKING NOT. she's hated me ever since i went for private singing lessons. it's not my fucking fault the singing teacher at the school couldn't teach me any more coz she wasn't qualified. i don't know if she even knows i have a solo with the strings ensemble. because obviously she didn;t organise that one.