25th June
Decided to pull a sickie today. Couldn't face work with killer hangover. Phone rang while I was in shower. Message from Dave. Not happy. Had better go in tomorrow. Chris on his way round to watch football. Glad I subscribed to that foreign sports channel. Asked Chris to bring booze as am broke. He said if I hadn't bought new games console I wouldn't have that problem. Told him if he felt that way maybe he shouldn't play it all the time. Note to self: Take washing to Mum's tomorrow. Couldn't find clean pants today. Kick off in 10 mins. We'd better win, I have a bet on the game. Chris at door.
Score!! Off to bookies to collect £80 then going out with lads to celebrate.
26th June
Jesus. Hangover. Can't remember a bloody thing. £2.29 left in wallet. Didn't wake up till 1. 2 messages on answerphone.One from Dave- You're treading on thin ground Steve. Last warning. Other was mysterious message from girl- Hi Stevie-baby, it's Mel. I had a great time last night, hope you did too. Maybe we can meet up at the weekend and have some fun? Call me. Who is Mel?? Note to self: Ask lads what exactly happened last night. Anyway had better get over to Mum's with washing. Hope she'll let me stay for tea. Only thing in fridge is asparagus. Don't know how it got there.
Mum said to get a grip. Asked if I am on drugs. Also suggested I learn how to use my own washing machine. I pointed out that even if I did I don't own an iron or ironing board. She gave me shephard's pie. However she didn't speak to me throughout the meal. Dad just read his paper and tutted. I left sharpish.
27th June
Went to work. Huge pile of paperwork on desk. Paid Nancy to do it. New girl at work. hot stuff. Asked her if I could buy her a drink. She said she had in fact just been to the coffee machine. Dave told me to smarten up. Said trainers don't go with suit. I replied truthfully that posh shoes had gone missing when lads were round last weekend. I suspect Rob. He was wearing quite uncool loafers. When I got home cat was there! Had forgotten it existed. Had a chunk missing from ear. Looked a bit thin so fed it asparagus. Seemed to like it.
28th June
Thank God it's Saturday. Going out with lads tonight. Might call that Mel later. Looks like I'm going to have to stump up a vet's fee. Cat not at all well. Won't go into detail. Called Rob and asked for shoes back. He denied taking them. However found them outside door when taking rubbish out half an hour later. Rob's a good lad, really. Got paycheck so went shopping. Bought the following:
1 bag oven chips
4 tins beans
1 loaf white bread
1 carton milk
1 packet fairy cakes
2 6packs beer
stack of magazines
1 small bag kumquats
1 tin custard
Going to take cat to Mum's now. She'll know what to do- presumably cat similar to human child.