some unrelated thoughts

Jan 27, 2015 19:54

Report cards are pretty much done. \o/


I don't get this whole "deflate gate" (did I get that right?) thing. I mean, both teams were playing with the same ball, so no one really had an advantage, right? From what I understand, it's easier to play with a slightly under-inflated ball, so the opposing team would have been practising with a regulation ball, so wouldn't they have found it easier than they were used to??

So I don't get it.


I am now unreasonably in love with the tv show Forever. I was kind of meh about it in the beginning, and honestly the writing still isn't all that fantastic, but.
1) I am a sucker for the "I have a potentially angsty, angsty secret that I will eventually share with the protagonist and Things Will Change (Hopefully for the Better)" trope
2) they have so ramped up the Jo/Henry stuff in the past few eps, and I am all over a reasonably non-angsty UST, just something that is playing out in a serialized show with problems that are solved in an hour and a totally predictable storyline
3) I have just recently realized this about myself, but apparently I have a soft spot for slightly broken people finding each other and helping each other be a little less broken (HOW HAVE I NOT REALIZED THIS BEFORE?!), and that is essentially what this show is about
4) Judd Hirsch. 'nuff said.

There is a fic trying to form in my head. I'm doomed.


That is all. Please return to your regularly scheduled plans.

fandom: other, rl: work, rl: misc

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