Title: Under Pressure Fandom: Dr Who - Ninth Doctor Artist: Queen and David Bowie Focus: Nine-era in general, with various combinations of Nine, Rose and Jack throughout in a shippy fashion
It's a "Life on Mars" (UK) vid, set to Neutral Milk Hotel's "Gardenhead Leave Me Alone". I used clips from just about every episode of the two seasons, and a lot from the finale, so beware spoilers.
- I started this video awhile ago, when I was still at the first apartment we had in Binghamton (so like a year and a half ago), got halfway through and abandoned it ... blew the dust off it this weekend and finally got it done.
I haven't vidded (or updated) in forever, so what better way to restart than with a video that maybe 2 other people will get?
For that undoubtedly HUGE selection of the population that watches both "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" and 70s-era Dr Who .... a lulzy Third Doctor tribute set to "Dayman" from the "Nightman Cometh" musical episode