(no subject)

Oct 26, 2008 21:43

I started compiling a list of gay roles played by Heroes actors and tried to find a few illustrative youtube clips, which led me to this ...


which compiles only the scenes on Dynasty relating to one of several plot arcs about Jack Coleman's character being gay. on the incredibly off chance that any of you watched that show, it's the Steven Carrington/Luke Fuller arc where Steven goes back and forth between his wife and his gay assistant like ten times apiece, and then concludes with his boyfriend dying when terrorists infiltrate his sister's wedding to the king of Moldavia because Dynasty is fucking retarded. anyway, so I thought "huh, gay HRG in a Ken doll wig with Joan Collins - that's probably pretty entertaining" and at first it was, but now the incredibly out of date way they deal with his character is getting super old. the chaste hugs and tender conversation held standing on opposite sides of the room are amusing in a "Lucy and Ricky and their twin beds" kind of way (though you still see this kind of thing, where the gay sex/love scenes are kept to at least a MPAA rating lower than straight ones on the same show) but the way the other characters deal with it and the way the show presents some stuff about it is irksome. the characters that think it's totally wrong are played pretty sympathetically, and the ones that support him are doing it in a "we'll let you go through this little phase, but really you need to go back to being married to a woman at some point" kind of way, and HRG will not stop whining about "the gay lifestyle" and how he can't deal with it (which ... seems to consist of going out to dinner with his boyfriend and holding hands while standing two feet apart, so apparently Bennet was easier to scare back in 1985). and they can't seem to let him stay with the boyfriend for more than a day without freaking out and trying to turn straight again, and it just comes off like "holy shit, we actually have to show him with a guy! back track, back track". I do get that for the mid eighties this was all pretty new and fairly progressive, but it's incredibly timid and dis-satisfying to a modern viewer. dissatisfying in both a "I want to see good gay representation in the media" sense and a "I want to see a young and beautiful Jack Coleman romancing a dude" sense

so, on the plus side, I won't be getting Degrassi-into Dynasty, which can only be for the best. on to the list of Heroes playing gay

Matthew John Armstrong (Ted Sprague)
gay in
"Hunting", House 2x07, 2005
I can't find the scenes on YouTube ... he's the AIDs patient who hits on Chase and thinks House and Wilson are a couple

Jack Coleman (Mr Bennet)
gay (or maybe bi, it's kind of unclear) in
Dynasty, 1982-1988
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kvb2Hmt4fM (more in this person's YouTube channel)

Clea DuVall (Agent Audrey Hanson)
gay in
But I'm a Cheerleader (1999)
(that's such a cute movie)

... that's it? I feel like I've seen her play a lesbian like a thousand times

Christopher Eccleston (Claude)
he gets kissed by a guy in Doctor Who, and for some reason YouTube has no clips of it that I can find

Jayma Mays (Charlie)
gay in
"Sleeping Dogs Lie", House 2x18, 2006

Malcolm McDowell (Linderman)
bi in
Caligula, 1979
I can't find any relevant YouTube clips, it's mostly clips of him killing someone with a murder machine

his character rapes Jonathan Rhys Myers in "I'll Sleep When I'm Dead" (2003), but is actually straight ...

Adrian Pasdar (Nathan Petrelli)
a transvestite in
Just Like a Woman, 1992
(if someone ever remade "Some Like it Hot" - which should not be done, but if - Adrian Pasdar would be a good choice for the Tony Curtis role)

awfully slashy in
Near Dark, 1987
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlLOAJy0kyI (go to 2:50)

Top Gun, 1986
though as I understand it, all Top Gun is is barely subtextual homoeroticism
giving Tom Cruise an awfully sultry look

Zachary Quinto (Sylar)
gay in
So NoTorious, 2006

bi in
Off Centre, 2001

... also probably in real life

Milo Ventimiglia (Peter Petrelli)
gay in
Must be the Music, 1996

Cursed, 2005

in drag in
Opposite Sex, 2000

comment if you know of any others. or just whatever. comment

heroes, queer, gay, tv

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