my brother took some pictures of the cats for me (I MISS MAH KITTEHS), and I really like these two for how well they represent the Two Faces of Mooha* - on top, we see the Laser Focused Yet Entirely Arbitrary Death Machine waiting to swipe off a head just cause it came too close, and below we see Fucking Stupid Even By Feline Standards, terminally bewildered by her surroundings ... god, I miss that fucked up beast of a cat. and the other three, too, especially my poor deranged Pippin. she just gets more and more frazzled and confused everytime I leave and come back. that poor cat's just not right. aw. I wanna go home and pet my kittehs :(
* I think the only time she gets called Merry is when she goes to the vet, and half of that is cause she's named FOR the vet. she has a billion other names that suit her deranged beastiness much, much better. like Genghis, or Chupie (short for "Chupacabra")