- it fucking snowed today! only a little bit, but man. I don't want snow yet, once it starts it won't stop til May
- I realised I've mentioned the
Milgram experiment in class at least once per semester since I've been in college. it just keeps being relevant to something we're talking about!
Heroes creator apologizes for 'meh' second season that's interesting. on the one hand, it's good that they're aware of what's working and what's not relatively quickly (Chris Carter and Joss Whedon both seemed to get where they fucked up a couple years after the fact), and I agree with pretty much all the things they listed as problems, ESPECIALLY the craptastic new ships, although I think they introduced Monica just fine - she's connected to an established character, and anyway I just really like the character. the Wonder Twins are pretty dull, but I think that should pick up once they actually reach New York
but I hope they don't go overboard on listening to fandom. I really don't want to watch Giant Petrellicest Orgy, Sylar the Loveable Fluffbunny With A Thoroughly Healthy Psyche, and very little Mohinder*
*hee. one thing they'd have to do if they REALLY listened to fandom is buy Sendhil Ramamurthy some lifts - I keep reading fic that describes him as tall and uh ... no. he's like 5'8". this is especially weird when he's paired with Sylar or Matt - they both tower way over him. Mohinder= teeny wee slip of a scientist