A New Beginning (Chapter 7)

Oct 26, 2007 02:02

Title: A New Beginning
Characters: Toby Hemingway, Chace Crawford, Taylor Kitsch, Sebastion Stan & OC
Genres: Romance
Rating: PG (for right now)
Pairing: Toby/OC
Disclaimer: I don't know Toby, Chace, Taylor or Sebastian. But I'm enjoyng 'Prelude to being Mrs. Hemingway' so much that I decided to write a fic of my own.
Disclaimer 2: I do not own the song I Will Be by Avril Lavigne. Im just using it for the story.
Summary: Chace's cousin comes to live with him. She has to adjust to her new life in Hollywood, while dealing with a tragedy that destroyed her life and she finds love along the way.

Christmas came and went. I was finally able to make peace with my parents’ death. My life was moving forward and I was happy. Chace had decided to head up to New York for New Years to see his friends from Gossip Girl, so Toby and I went back to West Hollywood to spend New Years there. As much as I loved my cousin, I was looking forward to spending alone time with my boyfriend without any interruptions.

When Toby and I arrived back home, we both were beyond exhausted. We ended up in his room this time, falling on the bed.

“Chace left another present here for you. It’s in my closet,” Toby said tiredly, motioning in the direction of his closet.

“You both spent way too much on me,” I replied. My hand went to the necklace I was wearing that Toby had given me for Christmas. Toby knew how much I loved history and antiques. The necklace apparently dated back to a countess from the 17th century. I didn’t know how he found it, but I loved it. It was silver, but the pendant was a square onyx, with a star in the middle.

“Just get the present,” Toby finally responded. I could tell he was drifting to sleep so I stood from his bed and went to his closet. After moving some things around, I found a large package in the back corner, with a note tapped to it. By the shape of the gift I knew what it was and my eyes immediately started to well with tears. Pulling it out of it’s spot, I made my way back to Toby’s bed, sitting down beside him. I opened the note that was on the beautiful wrapping.


Hopefully the trip to Delaware helped you come to terms with everything. And maybe you’ll be able to find some peace. If that’s the case, I’m hoping this will be the next step. I know you haven’t played since Aunt Layla and Uncle James died, but I’m hoping that will change. I miss hearing you play and I miss your voice. Merry Christmas, cousin. I love you.


Toby sat up, resting his back against the headboard. “Is that what I think it is?”

I just nodded as I carefully removed the beautiful silver wrapping paper. My breath caught slightly once the paper was fully removed. It was a gorgeous black acoustic electric guitar. In the corner was a cute skull and bones. I strummed the chords gently, my fingers shaking at the feeling of holding a guitar again. It had been so long.

“You never told me you played,” Toby stated quietly.

“No one really knew except for Chace. I have this fear of playing in front of people. I didn’t even play for my parents. When they died, I stopped. I couldn’t find it in me to play anymore or sing. I used to try and write my own songs, too.”

“Most people find inspiration when tragedy comes into their lives,” Toby offered.

“Yeah, I know. But they had never gotten a chance to hear me sing or play because I never let them so I just felt like…if they didn’t get to hear me sing or play, than no one ever should,” I answered.

I plucked a few strings on the guitar again, letting the sound echo through the room as I closed my eyes and listened. I felt Toby shift his body and when I opened my eyes, he was sitting right next to me. He leaned over, giving me a brief peck on the lips.

“Will you play for me?” he asked.

“Toby, I don’t think it’s a good idea. I hate playing in front of people,” I replied.

Reaching out, Toby gently caressed my cheek. “It’s just me, Misty. I’m not a stranger. I’m your boyfriend. I love you and I have faith in you. Trust me.”

Sighing heavily, I took a deep breath and nodded. “Okay. But I don‘t remember any of mine…”

“Anything you want, love.” Toby stood from the seat on the bed and walked over to the chair in his room, giving me space. Closing my eyes, I let my fingers touch the chords and then my voice filled the room.

There's nothing I could say to you
Nothing I could ever do to make you see
What you mean to me

All the pain, the tears I cried
Still you never said goodbye and now I know
How far you'd go

As I continued to sing, I still avoided Toby’s intense gaze. But I could feel his eyes on me across the room and instead of making me more nervous, it gave me strength.

I know I let you down
But it's not like that now
This time I'll never let you go

I will be, all that you want
And get myself together
Cause you keep me from falling apart

All my life, I'll be with you forever
To get you through the day
And make everything okay

I thought that I had everything
I didn't know what life could bring
But now I see, honestly

Finally, letting go of all the fear inside of me, I met Toby’s gaze. His face held no expression, but his beautiful blue eyes were filled with so much love and passion and wonder that I couldn’t help but smile a little as the words flowed from my mouth. And for the rest of the song, I never took my eyes away from his.

You're the one thing I got right
The only one I let inside
Now I can breathe, cause you're here with me

And if I let you down
I'll turn it all around
Cause I would never let you go

I will be, all that you want
And get myself together
Cause you keep me from falling apart

All my life, I'll be with you forever
To get you through the day
And make everything okay

Cause without you I cant sleep
I'm not gonna ever, ever let you leave
You're all I've got, you're all I want

And without you I don't know what I'd do
I can never, ever live a day without you
Here with me, do you see,
You're all I need

And I will be, all that you want
And get myself together
Cause you keep me from falling apart

All my life, I'll be with you forever
To get you through the day
And make everything okay

I will be, all that you want
And get myself together
Cause you keep me from falling apart

And all my life, you know I'll be with you forever
To get you through the day
And make everything okay

When I finished the song, Toby and I sat in silence for what seemed like forever, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. It was as if both of us realized we had totally let all of our walls down and let each other in. It was just us two, sitting in that room, completely open. I laid my guitar on the bed beside me and looked back to Toby, who was leaning forward in the chair, elbows resting on his legs.

“You know, I didn’t think you could be more amazing then you already are…but you proved me wrong,” he said softly.

“Having you watch me…I wasn’t afraid. I was…empowered. You gave me strength. It’s weird, normally I wouldn’t have been able to make it through the song,” I answered.

“I think it should be our song then. It suits us.”

“I think so, too.”

“You’re voice is beautiful, Misty.”

“That’s sweet. Thank you.”

A mischievous smiled spread across Toby’s face. “But I have to say, I like it best when you scream my name.”

“Toby!” I laughed, shaking my head. “Besides…I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I added playfully.

Toby raised and eyebrow, making his way towards me. “Oh really? Well then, I guess I’ll have to refresh your memory, won’t I?”

I pulled my shirt over my head and smiled. “I think so.”

Pushing me back on the bed, Toby kissed me deeply. “I love you, Misty,” he said before capturing my lips fiercely once more.


After New Years, Chace returned home and things fell back into their normal routine. Toby would be leaving soon for Oregon to film his next movie Street. The thought of being without him for so long was unbearable. This would be the first time since we’d been together that I would have to deal with him leaving for an extended period of time. It was like a test to see if I could handle it. I knew if I wanted to stay with Toby I would have to be able to deal with his life style. I was very supportive of Toby and his career. I knew how much acting meant to him. But I was going to miss him terribly. Toby had realized this so he’d been spending as much time with me as our schedules allowed.

As I handed the last customer in line their drink, I looked up to see Toby walking into the café. I smiled at him when he sent me a wink. I saw Cameron at the cash register scowling. Apparently she had noticed him, too. Toby walked up the counter, leaning on it.

“Hey baby,” Toby greeted me. I smiled. He then acknowledged Cameron, who was still frowning. “Hi Cameron. How are you?”

“Fine,” she mumbled. Pulling off her apron, she glared at me. “I’m going on my break now.”

“Okay,” I replied. I watched her stalk away and I shook my head. I leaned over the counter to kiss Toby properly. “You know as much as I love seeing your gorgeous face, you don’t have to visit me at work everyday.”

Toby shrugged his shoulders. “I’ve got nothing better to do.”

“Gee thanks,” I said, rolling my eyes.

Chuckling, Toby leaned forward more to whisper in my ear. “Actually, that apron kinda gets me hot.”

I pulled back, laughing loudly at the comment. Customers in the café looked at me strangely. I placed a hand on my mouth to try and stifle the remaining giggles escaping my throat.

“I was serious,” Toby said innocently.

“If that’s the case, I may just have to take it home with me one night.”

“No arguments here.”

Hearing the timer go off on the coffee, I grabbed it from the back counter to dump out the old and start a fresh pot. “So what have you done today?” I asked, placing a new filter in the machine.

“Met with my agent and the director for the new movie. Just to go over a few last minute details,” he answered. I noticed Toby avoiding my gaze when he responded to my question. He was hiding something.

“What aren’t you telling me, Toby?” I questioned, crossing my arms.

“The director wants to move up the start date of the movie.”

“Okay, so when are you leaving?”

Toby didn’t answer right away. He tapped his fingers on the counter for a few seconds before answering. “Tomorrow.”

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. “What? Tomorrow? Can they do that?”

“Yes, tomorrow and yes they can do that. I’m sorry, love. I don’t really have a choice. I signed the contract so I have to do what they say.”

I didn’t say anything at first. What could I say? It was his job. He couldn’t tell them no. This is what Toby got paid for. I would just have to deal with it, but I suddenly felt the need to cry.

“Baby…” I heard him say from behind me. I turned around to face him and he gave me a sympathetic smile. He motioned for me to walk around to the other side and I did. He met me half way, his arms waiting. “It will be fine. I’ll call you every day and maybe you can come visit the set for a few days.”

“I don’t even know why I’m upset. This is your life, so I need to get used to it. It’s not like you won’t be back,” I sniffled.

Toby stepped back, cupping my face. “Exactly. I will be back. It’s a long time, I know, but it doesn’t matter. It won’t change a thing.”

I bit my lip. That’s what I was worried about the most. Him finding someone else while he was away. How many times have I heard about celebrities falling in love on set? What if he found someone smart, prettier, just totally better than me.

When I said nothing, Toby asked, “That’s what you’re afraid of, isn’t it?” I could hear the bewilderment and slight hurt in his voice.

“Yes,” I whispered. I hung my head in shame for ever thinking such an idea. Toby wasn’t the type of guy who would cheat on his girlfriend. I should have known better.

“Misty…you know me better than that. I love you. You’re the only girl that I want, the only one I’ll ever want. You’re it for me.”

“I know, I’m sorry.”

Toby kissed my forehead and I wrapped my arms around his waist. “Look, I’ll pick you up when you’re done work. We’ll go out to dinner and take a walk in the park, okay? I don’t have to leave tomorrow morning until eleven so we can go out to breakfast, too before you go to work.”


“Excuse me, but just because your boyfriend is here, doesn’t mean you don’t have to do your job,” Cameron said from behind us.

“There’s no one even in line, Cameron,” I snapped.

“It doesn’t matter. You’re not supposed to be out here when no one else is behind the counter. Just because your boyfriend is famous doesn’t mean you get special privleges,” Cameron snootily replied.

Toby was getting upset now. I could feel the tension in his body. “Cameron, you’re a bit out of line. She was upset, I was comforting her.”

“Of course you were. All she ever does is whine and cry. Whether its about you or her dead parents…”

The sound of my hand slapping Cameron’s face could be heard throughout the entire café. She was completely caught off guard and looked like she was about to cry. I really didn’t care. She had done nothing but cause me trouble ever since I started dating Toby. “Don’t you dare talk about my parents. You have no right. You’ve done nothing but be a complete bitch to me ever since Toby and I started dating. When I told you the first time he came in here that we weren’t dating, it was the truth. Then things changed. I’m sorry you’re jealous and that he didn’t want you. But if you had looked in the mirror lately, you’d know why. And you know what else? As much as I love this job, it’s not worth having to deal with you every day. So…I quit.” Ripping off my apron and throwing it at her, I grabbed Toby’s hand, walking out of the store.

“That was brilliant,” Toby laughed.

“I hate her,” I said, seething.

“She was really out of line, especially since you didn’t even do anything to her.”

“Well, I guess you can’t help the effect you have on women,” I replied.

“I am awfully handsome, aren’t I?” he said. I couldn’t help but laugh at his expression as I pulled him down the street.


Breakfast had been somber and quiet. I really wasn’t that hungry, but Toby made me eat something anyway. He and I were both sitting at the airport, waiting for his flight number to be called. Toby held my hand, as we sat in the uncomfortable chairs, watching the flight board, and my head was resting on his shoulder.

“At least you’ll have Chace to keep you company while I’m gone. He’s done with the first season and I’ll be back before he’s got to head back to New York,” Toby said.

“I know. I’m just going to miss you, that’s all. I got used to having someone to sleep with. I suppose I could always find someone else to do the job while you’re gone,” I replied, smiling.

“That’s not funny. You better not have anyone in your bed besides me.”

“Never,” I answered, kissing him squarely on the mouth. “Will you miss me?”

“I’m not so sure now.”

“Ha ha.”

“Of course, I’ll miss you. I love you, you know.”

“I know. I love you, too.”

Our conversation was interrupted when the voice on the intercom called out Toby’s flight number. I pushed back the tears that wanted to fall. We both stood from our seats and just stared at each other for a moment.

“I’ll call you when I land,” he said gently, stroking my cheek.

“Promise?” I replied.

“Promise. Take care of yourself while I’m gone.”

“I will. Love you.”

“Love you, too.” Toby leaned down, kissing me for as long as he could. He finally pulled back when his flight number was called again. “I gotta go. I’ll talk to you soon.”

I nodded, giving him one last kiss before I watched him hurry towards the gate. He waved to me before going down the terminal. I headed back to my car and when I got into the driver’s seat, I rested my forehead against the steering wheel, finally letting myself cry.

Here is the song I Will Be by Avril Lavigne

Here is what Misty's necklace looks like that Toby got her for Christmas

Here is what the guitar looks like, without the skull and bones

This is what the skull and bones would have looked like on the guitar, but smaller and on the end at the bottom.
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