This is currently my favourite way to eat the granole: with home-made (unsweetened) white yoghurt, 2 tsp cinnamon spice peanut butter, one banana and a handful of raspberries and blueberries.
I used
this recipe but I tweaked it a bit. My version was as follows:
2½ cup rolled oats
1/3 cup chopped walnuts
1/3 cup chia seeds
2 tsp cinnamon (because I'm addicted, obviously)
1 tsp caramom
1/2 cup date syrup
1 tbsp coconut oil
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 cup earl grey tea
juice from 1/2 lemon
I baked it very very slowly, for over 30 minutes in total, checking on it every 8 minutes and tossing it slightly. It's not very sweet, which is exactly right for an earl grey flavoured granola, I think. I thought of using honey instead of date syrup, mainly because then it makes those amazing and delicious chunks, but eventually decided against it because I wanted the earl grey flavour to come through.
I've had it for breakfast ever day this week and it's really fantastic. I will definitely be trying more stuff from
What should I eat for breakfast today because I love their ideas and their styling and photography.
Do you have a favourite granola recipe? Share it with me in the comments, I'd love to try something new next week!
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