Weekly gratitude post #5.

Oct 11, 2015 21:40

This week has been a bit of a mixed bag. Overall, it was a great week that went by really quickly. There was one hiccough on Wednesday, though. I had sort of an incident with a student who behaved really disrespectfully towards me. I won't go into detail; it was very unpleasant and he is no longer my student.

I felt really horrible about it afterwards. I pride myself in always being respectful and professional towards my student but of course, I can't make them to treat me with the same respect. They're fully grown adults, often older than I am, and if they don't feel the need to be respectful, I have very little means of making them to be. And if somebody crosses the line and behaves appallingly, all I can do is to remove myself from the situation. Even though it of course means further trouble for me. It's wreaked havoc on the schedule I've been working on for the past 7 weeks, unfortunately, and I can't do much about it now. I'll have to wait and see what happens.

I've decided to consider it yet another opportunity to practice what I've been trying to teach myself over the past year or so, which is not worrying about things that I can't change or influence. Sometimes it's really difficult but just like everything else, it gets easier with practice. And I'm trying really hard. I've learned to allow myself to feel upset for a couple of minutes and then try really really hard to focus only on things that I can do something about. I think it's a great mental exercise!

What I'm really happy with this week is my physical activity. 4 hours of skating, 3 hours of strength training at the gym (1 hour out of that was with a trainer), 2 hours of Pilates. Not too shabby! I feel like I've done a lot of work on the ice and in the gym and it just makes me so so so happy.

This week I'm grateful for:

1. The fact that my mum didn't push me to talk about the incident on Wednesday and supplied just the right amount of chocolate to make it all better.

2. My body, which can do things I've only ever dreamed of doing. I don't think I've ever been so in tune with my body as I am now. I hope I'll be able to keep working on this.

3. These:

It's almost time to start wearing them, no? (All three pairs of tights are from ASOS, by the way. I'm pretty sure they're all still in stock, too!)

How has your week been? What have you been grateful for?

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photography, halloween, weekly gratitude, work, autumn, fashion, personal

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