So tired!

Aug 15, 2007 22:15

The 3 days at the First Aid course have been exhausting (I've never been on my knees for such long a time  - OK, you can all stop sniggering now!) but that could also be the effect of being on antibiotics for my throat I guess.
There's quite a lot to learn, and to practise and tomorrow is the last day with the practical test in the afternoon.
Apart from doing CPR on a dummy, each of us will have a casualty to deal with in 2 unknown scenarios.
I know it sounds silly but it's probably more the idea of having to move, touch, handle a complete stranger than anything else that make me nervous and anxious.
Anyway, we'll see how it goes!

Last night I just had the time to go to the gym after the course, and then back home for half an hour before going to the residents' association committee meeting to report on the Neighbourhood Watch activities.
I've started helping Lynne last month (though she does really all the work!) and, when we went to the police station for the bi-monthly meeting in July, I was secretly amused by the fact that our NW group was represented by a lesbian and a gay man!

Unfortunately last night there was something to report as a lady further down the road was mugged minutes before I got home. Apparently she suffered one or more broken fingers (no, I didn't do any first aid!).

I think now I should have an early night... hang on.... no I cannot as I have to wait for another hour or so before I can take the antibiotics (late dinner).

first aid, mugging, antibiotics

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