A tiring Saturday

Aug 11, 2007 23:12

The week-end started with a film: "The Simpsons"! We went to see it last night and we loved it.
It was very funny, and luckily not many kids in the audience (but then it's been out for a few weeks now).

Today we borrowed/hired (for £1.50) the long ladders from the residents' association shed and pruned the clematis (Armandii) and the climbing rose (Albertine).
A couple of weeks ago, we discovered a damp patch in the sitting room, caused - we think - by that torrential storm we had a few weeks ago. The sheer amount of rain plus the rose growing in the gutter meant the water was running down the outside walls, and bricks are porous.
The clematis needs regular pruning: it pushes its way under the eves and when we went up in the loft last year there was even a long branch (dead of course) in there!


It was exhausting work, but necessary!
When the work was done, we went to Homebase to buy 3 new large pots to put in the drive: more dahlias probably - now that the hollyhocks have gone there's some room.
Then, at last, some deserved rest with our feet up and a Martini sitting in the garden: bliss!

pruning, simpsons

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