A fun Sunday lunch

Jul 16, 2007 15:02

Sunday was spent cooking, eating, drinking, chatting and laughing. 
Gary & Ron, Sam (a former colleague of mine), and Wills (aka
williamthebruce) came round for lunch.
The menu was:
- tomato and onion tarts
- sweetcorn fritters with grilled pancetta and rocket
- Italian meatballs with peperonata and minty green been salad served with homemade focaccia
- creamy apple pie
- red fruit salad

Adrian and I shared the cooking; I must say that Adrian's creamy apple pie was to die for!!
Unfortunately Sam had to leave soon after eating as he was going to trapeze rehearsals: oh to be 26 again, sweet, slim and supple!! (Not that I never did trapezing when I was young, of course!!)

And here is the table set in green and blue by my talented and gorgeous husband!

Unfortunately some time during lunch, Adrian noticed that the tooth that had been hurting on and off for weeks and had been temporarily patched by the dentist (root canal was due on Thu week), has disappeared! He swallowed it! Despite that, he - and we all - had a great time.

lunch, cooking, friends

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