Day 15 of 42: 17 gardens, 1 porn star and 10 songs

Jul 14, 2013 12:23

Today it's the biennial "Open Gardens" event around the estate. We're opening our garden to neighbours and their friends too.
In total there are 17 gardens open and I'm going to miss them all (our very own back garden due to the steps is also kind of out of bounds too).
I'd normally go around and take photos for the residents' association's website but not this time; I was thinking whether I should take candid shots of visitors filing past the dining room window when they come in to see our garden instead!

I was messaged on a website by an almost "3-legged" South-American gay "porn star" who works an escort in London. Apparently he loves my photos and would be keen to 'experience' my big PA and of course there would be no charge!
I guess I am both flattered and slightly suspicious, and perhaps I feel like a piece of meat with a body attached to it, but, in reality, when you have low self-esteem every compliment is welcome!

Adrian and I have been listening a lot to Agnetha Fältskog's latest album 'A'. There are some lovely songs in the album - the first with original material since 1987.
Perhaps this is my favourite song:

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music, gardens

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