On Thursday morning we went to the "fracture clinic" for a post-op check-up.
Thank goodness that Adrian was with me (he's been an absolute star); when you arrive at the clinic you have to 'check-in' and the queue was rather long. I would have never managed to stand for 20 minutes on the crutches.
They didn't have my appointment. The clerk who rang from the hospital ward had made a mistake; but after an hour's wait the clinic coordinator went to the ward to fetch my file herself and I was seen by a wonderful nurse. She was just brilliant: kind, chatty, concerned and she did a great job at taking the stitches staples out. Then she went to fetch the consultant for a look at the wound.
Adrian called my leg a "leg of lamb with zip" because of the 30+ staples; he took a photo on his mobile which is behind this cut
Another couple of pictures from Adrian's mobile.
At Barcelona's airport waiting for a wheelchair
and looking old and tired at the garden centre/cafe' a couple of days after surgery
Yesterday I got an e-mail and later a call from American Express regarding a suspicious transaction on my card.
It was suspicious all right!
I turns out that someone called "SHIFAR/ABRAHAM GEBREHIW" used my card to book a flight from Rome to Cancun spending over 2,000 euros.
This morning I was e-mailed a form to fill in to declare that I didn't book the ticket but I see that the transaction now appears on my statement. As the statement cut-off dated is in a couple of days' time I guess I'll end up having to pay for it, hoping then for a refund. I'm not happy at all about this.
This morning I also had a vertigo/dizziness attack (something that hasn't happened in a very long time) but I had to deal with this. Mr Shifar was cursed many, many times through it. If the curses work, he will have a very short life...